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Yamaha DX21 synthesiserArticle from Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, September 1985 |
The latest in the DX synth series
All the DX21's sounds are basically similar to the DX9's — clear and precise, and generally a little simpler than those of the DX7. You can hear on the tape a selection of the 32 RAM memories and the 128 ROM memories, the latter being arranged in banks of eight Pianos, eight Basses, eight Effects and so on and available one group at a time to replace any eight RAM sounds.
While Single Mode gives you one eight-note polyphonic sound at a time, Split Mode (which has a programmable keyboard split point) gives two sounds, with four voices on either side of the split, and Dual Mode gives two sounds together, with four-note polyphony.
You can detune Dual Mode sounds for extra thickness as well as using the Stereo Chorus — in split mode the two sounds come out of different rear-panel outputs.
Editing has been made slightly more logical than on the DX7 — you can now increase or toggle on and of a parameter by continuing to press its Function button rather than going back to the Data Entry controls, which saves a little time. But the Play Book supplied, and its accompanying cassette, do more to simplify FM synthesis, with clear examples, block diagrams and basic principles.
New MIDI facilities on the 21 include independent transmit and receive channel select, Omni (all channel) mode on receive, MIDI On/Off, selectable response to patch changes, key velocity, modulation, breath control, portamento and data entry from outside, and if any envelopes are patched to controllable parameters in a sound, these can be controlled by velocity information from another keyboard such as a DX7, Prophet T8 or SIEL synth.
So the DX21 is ideal as an expander for a velocity-sensitive synth, or as a peripheral for a MIDI sequencer being programmed from such a synth. There's improvement on the function labelling too — one new function, for instance, is Key Mode for the pitchbend, which allows you to select whether all notes, only the highest note, or only the lowest note will bend, and this function is now labelled next to the LCD display so you know what's going on.
The other major addition is the provision of 32 Performance Memories which allow you to load up one or two sounds, portamento type and time, split point, pitch bend and modulation depths and so on, a massive improvement over the situation on the DX7 where once you'd programmed one set of such parameters you were stuck with them. So, for instance, the Bass sound is automatically monophonic and has a lifelike fingered portamento, the piano sounds have just the right depth of modulation, and soon.
On to the rear panel, where we find stereo jack outputs, sockets for a portamento and a sustain footswitch, volume pedal and tape dump to an MSX-style or standard cassette player, MIDI In, Out and Thru, and breath controller and headphone sockets. The LCD display allows you to name every RAM sound and the performance memories, and as before it's possible to look back to the original value of a parameter when editing to check what you're doing using Edit/Compare.
In fact almost nothing has been overlooked. It's almost impossible to fault the DX21, particularly at the price; from the tape you can hear just a few of its capabilities, and rest assured that there are a lot more useful sounds hidden away in those permanent 128 ROM memories.
The DX21 is inevitably going to be a winner for Yamaha, and will give the opposition some large headaches as they struggle to cut prices to match. Anyone looking for a first real synth, or an expander of any kind, should be considering it now.
Enquiries: Yamaha Kemble, (Contact Details)
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Review by Mark Jenkins writing as Tony Mills
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