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Sound Reports & Views

And J.Arthur Rank on...

Article from Sound International, June 1978

Gong: Expresso II Virgin Records V2099

EVEN before I'd listened to this album I was intrigued by the inclusion of guitarist Mick Taylor. I could only think that he was intended to provide a contrast to the intense and sometimes overpowering playing of Allan Holdsworth, who is, to my mind, one of the best and most exciting musicians around today.

Taylor is, in fact, featured on just the opening track, Heavy Tune. He's a fine guitarist in his own style but does not, I feel, have the right kind of approach for this band or this type of music. His lead playing on this number — Holdsworth relegated to a two-chord rhythm track — is rather dull and uninspired.

Golden Dilemma, the first of two numbers by new bassist Hansford Rowe, is immediately striking as being very similar to Expresso from the previous Gong album; pacy, rhythmic and very much a showcase for the fluent, creative drumming that I've come to expect from Pierre Moerlin. Guitar is by another guest, Bon Lozaga. In Sleepy we have a number very typical of the style developed on Gazeuse successfully carried through to this new album, despite the change of production duties from Dennis Mackay to Gong and John Wood. It's one of those 'your turn next for a solo' type numbers. Solid, interesting rhythm laid down by Moerlin, Bauer and Moerlin provides a perfect springboard for the soloists queueing up behind. In order of appearance: Holdsworth, Way, Rowe, Way. Good, average, good, poor respectively.

After side one I'm a little disappointed. I liked it, but couldn't get away from the feeling that there was something missing, something which made Gazeuse very good but, by its absence, Expresso II good but somehow ordinary. Side two opens with Rowe's second contribution, Soli. Very nice bass in the introduction — fast, accurate and melodic; this is the best number on the album by a long way. It illustrates eloquently what Gong circa '78 are all about. After the initial solos proper by Rowe, Benoit Moerlin and Holdsworth we get the 'four bars you, four bars me' exchanges between vibes and guitar punctuated by a couple of fire-cracker snare rolls. And extremely good it is too, exciting, interesting stuff all the way.

The final two numbers just haven't got a hope of following that one. The unfortunately titled Boring is, in fact, just that. A too lengthy and sloppy violin lead from Darryl Way over a very samey backing.

Three Blind Mice finally gave me the clue as to what made the previous album and this one very similar but at the same time very different. What makes the one really good track on Expresso II (Soli) stand out is melody, and there's the answer to the problem. This album has a great rhythmic quality throughout but is terribly lacking in melodic content. After all that I wouldn't say that this is a bad album. I think it was John Peel who said that something considered average by one band would be many bands' magnum opus.

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Magic, Mystery & Music

Publisher: Sound International - Link House Publications

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Sound International - Jun 1978

Donated & scanned by: Mike Gorman

Sound Reports & Views

Music Review by Paul Henderson

Previous article in this issue:

> Barbara Dickson & Band

Next article in this issue:

> Magic, Mystery & Music

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