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Article from Sound On Sound, February 1993 |
After all the excitement about the multimedia possibilities offered by the Falcon 030, it's refreshing to see a product announcement that apparently runs on any ST, STE or Falcon. Videomaster from Audio Visual Research (AVR), allows you to put audio and video together into a minimovie. The cartridge comes from the masters of audio samplers (the excellent Replay 16 etc), Dave Woodhouse and Tony Racine, and is marketed by Microdeal.
A logical extension of the sound sampling software & hardware technology that AVR have been perfecting over the last few years, this combination of sound and pictures promises to give affordable multimedia, and with the Falcon allowing the use of the 4096 True Colour mode, the results should be very interesting. Contact Microdeal on (Contact Details) for more details.
When Yamaha began to give away specially-written Atari ST PD software for the QY10 and FX900, I was impressed with the quality of the software, and flattered when my 'useful but not very pretty' RY30 patch librarian program for the RY30 joined SQYRREL (QY10) and STEFFI (FX900).
The latest release is equally impressive. TONY is an editor/librarian for the TG100, Yamaha's General MIDI compatible expander module. Since screenshots can probably tell you more about a product than any number of words, below is an annotated tour of TONY.
An owner's manual and additional voices are available for a small fee from the programmers, called unsurprisingly Y-Not (perhaps they are fans of Barry Norman), in Germany. TONY would be impressive if it was a commercial program, so as a freebie giveaway it is simply amazing. If only all manufacturers provided software support like this... For more information contact Yamaha on (Contact Details).
Above: The main screen is used for the librarian functions, displaying one of the four banks of 64 patches and a scrolling library box. All the usual moving, copying, sorting and renaming functions are provided for the bank display. Patches are selected with left mouse clicks, and dragged around with the right mouse button. The library lets you search for specific patch names, those that use a particular waveform, and even for patches using one or two elements. By assigning the patches to one of nine sound type categories, you can quickly find the sound you need.
Above: The multi-edit screen allows you to quickly configure the Multi-timbral setup and each of the individual parts. Being able to see the overview of all of the parts at once is very useful. A complete multi setup can be saved as a MIDI file for use in a sequencer to initialise a TG100 to the settings used in a song.
Voice editing is all done with mouse drags for envelopes, or left/right mouse button clicks for other parameters.
When you aren't using the librarian or editing functions, TONY even has a minefield game, where you try to uncover squares without hitting a mine — much harder than it looks.
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Feature by Martin Russ
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