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Billy Bragg - A New England

Billy Bragg

Article from One Two Testing, February 1986

A new book published, A New England dissected

I case you hadn't noticed, the art of simple, sensible songwriting isn't dead. It's not very well, true, but every so often some kind soul picks it up off its sickbed and takes it for a walk around the grounds.

One of the most recent and the best is Billy Bragg. The Dagenham Dylan actually got as far as bending the charts a little with his one-man-and-a-cheap-guitar epic Between The Wars a while ago, and thanks to his manic gigging schedule he's rarely far from somebody's notice.

However, to fill the ten-minute gaps between appearances our man with the Arbiter Les Paul TV copy and Roland Cube has got a book out. Unlike the efforts of L. Cohen and B. Dylan, it's not full of pseudy waffle about soil and spiders, oh no. This tome is packed with (among other things) the songs of the wonderful Mr. Bragg, written out neatly so that even if you've got fingers like a pound of Dewhurst's best pork bangers and a very dim grasp of chords indeed you should be able to manage a reasonable version to stun your mates at the trad jazz club.

Take our word for it, the book's excellent and includes a flexidisc for your fiver, so go out and purchase several right away. In the meantime, however, thanks to the wonderfulness of the people at Chappell Music, we're able to bring you the words and music for the song that's become a modern-day classic and a much-requested favourite — A New England...

Copyright 1983 Chappell Music Ltd, (Contact Details)

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Publisher: One Two Testing - IPC Magazines Ltd, Northern & Shell Ltd.

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One Two Testing - Feb 1986


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