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Chord of the Month


Article from Making Music, January 1987


B9(b5) or commonly F7+/B

Odd chords turn up in the strangest places - in this instance "Something Outa Nothing" from Walford's own "The Banned". With references to MIDI and flattened fifths it's hardly surprising that "Eastenders" tops the ratings.

This month's chord is sandwiched between a Cmin7 and a Bbmaj7 to accompany the words "something special to you" before the start of the second verse.

The song also sports a minor ninth, a minor eleventh and a sharpened ninth, flat thirteenth in the first two bars. I'm sure Harry would disapprove.

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Publisher: Making Music - Track Record Publishing Ltd, Nexus Media Ltd.

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Making Music - Jan 1987


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> Thunder Enlightening

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> EQ

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