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Chord of the Month


Article from Making Music, June 1987


Time for that little pinkie to earn its keep. This one (which contains more sharp signs than a packet of mints), requires of your tiniest digit to hold down two strings at once. Index finger on the D string, second finger on the A string, ring finger on the G, and pinkie fretting the B and E as a small barre shape. Don't play the bottom E. Site the chord anywhere you like. The A string gives you the root note. Now strum those five strings in a diddley-diddley type funk, rhythm. Familiar?

The old retainers on the staff reckon it's the opening chord to The Average White Band's "Pick Up the Pieces", but we're too young to remember... er... daddy-o.

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Publisher: Making Music - Track Record Publishing Ltd, Nexus Media Ltd.

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Making Music - Jun 1987


Previous article in this issue:

> Setting Up Shots

Next article in this issue:

> That Was Then

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