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Coverage - The Cure

Boys Don't Cry | The Cure

Article from One Two Testing, October 1986

In Celebration of Robbo's new hairdo and also because it was re-released fairly recently, the choice for this month's 'How to play a famous song completely wrong' is 'Boys Don't Cry'. This was first recorded back in the days when there were only three of them and Lol Tolhurst was playing drums so the requirements are very simple. A bass guitar, an electric guitar, an acoustic guitar and a drum Kit. The electric guitar plays the picking bits in the chorus and the funky bits in the middle while the acoustic just strums along in the verse. For live performance with just one guitarist the electric will fill both roles better than the acoustic. For authentic vocals spread lipstick around your mouth and imagine you're a cat.

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Publisher: One Two Testing - IPC Magazines Ltd, Northern & Shell Ltd.

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One Two Testing - Oct 1986


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