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Duane EddyArticle from Making Music, September 1987 |
Duane Eddy thought he would never make another album. Then the Art Of Noise covered "Peter Gunn", roped in Duane to twang on it, and record companies woke up. The rest is... well, it's a new LP out in October, called simply 'Duane Eddy' and with some fairly famous guest producers. The Noise did a few, plus McCartney, George Harrison and Jeff Lynn. All instrumentals, as in the man's style, and very twangy. "They all understood my sound perfectly, all I had to do was play", praised Mr Eddy while he was over in England working on Central TV's Elvis tribute.
"Many people have said that they have learned off my records, successful people, or been influenced by them, and that's one of the things I'm most proud of. That sustained me during the lean years, which weren't too far back, when I thought I was never going to get anything together again."
How about the Art Of Noise? "They're great. Anne Dudley and JJ are fantastic people, very talented. They tried to capture the feel of the old Peter Gunn, the one I did in 1959, and I think they succeeded."
And guitars: "I suppose my ideal is still the Gretsch 6120, that's the one I cut all my hits on. But the Guild has been good (he worked with them on a 25th anniversary model) and I've been talking to a company called Valley Arts Guitars, they're making up a new Duane Eddy model, and I plan to get fairly deeply into that."
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