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Electronic Projects for Guitar

Article from Recording Musician, November 1992

Few people are more prolific than Robert Penfold when it comes to publishing circuit designs; other titles written by him include the Practical MIDI Handbook and Musical Applications of the Atari ST. His latest offering comprises 16 easy-to-build projects for the guitar player, namely, a guitar preamplifier; headphone amplifier; soft distortion effects unit; compressor; auto-wah; wah-wah pedal; phaser; dual-tracking effects unit; expander; treble booster; dynamic treble booster; dynamic tremolo; direct injection box; improved distortion unit; thin distortion unit; and even a guitar tuner. All the projects are both simple and inexpensive to build, and no special circuit boards are required, as Veroboard layouts are provided for each one. Every circuit is described in detail, both operationally and constructionally, while a concise but thorough introductory section takes the reader through the mysteries of soldering, component colour codes, constructional techniques, and lots of other invaluable background information. Layout is clear and readable.

Even if you've never picked up a soldering iron before, I'm sure you'll have no trouble building any of these projects after following the instructions. Aside from the obvious satisfaction of making something that works, gadgets such as overdrive boxes can be made up for less than the cost of the VAT on the real thing! For around the price of a couple of sets of guitar strings, this book is an excellent investment, even if you only get around to building one of the projects in it.

Further Information
Electronic Projects for Guitar £8.95.

PC Publishing, (Contact Details).

You can order this book from RM's Bookshop, order code B179, on 0480 61244. Please add £1.25 (UK) or £2.50 (Europe) postage and packing.

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Q-Logic MIDI Metro Digital Metronome

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Production Lines

Publisher: Recording Musician - SOS Publications Ltd.
The contents of this magazine are re-published here with the kind permission of SOS Publications Ltd.

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Recording Musician - Nov 1992

Donated by: Mike Gorman, Colin Potter

Scanned by: Mike Gorman

Review by Paul White

Previous article in this issue:

> Q-Logic MIDI Metro Digital M...

Next article in this issue:

> Production Lines

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