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Article from Home & Studio Recording, August 1986

Over 30,000 visitors are expected at this year's British Music Fair, the theme of which is 'Let's Make Music'. H&SR will as usual be there to observe and debate with a wit and flair that makes other publications green with envy. (Do wot John? — Ed). Details: Nick Harvey & Associates, (Contact Details).

Sennheiser products on show at the BMF will include the full range of dynamic, electret and RF condenser microphones including the new MKH40 condenser developed for the digital recording market. Also on show will be the full range of VHFand UHF radio mics including the new system for guitars. Details: Hayden Laboratories Ltd, (Contact Details).

In addition to their products shown at NAMM Roland will have a computer music software stand at the BMF. Chris Palmer and Nick Graham will demonstrate the MPS and MUSE 8-track sequencer packages which are compatible with IBM, Apple and Commodore 64 computers. Details: Roland (UK) Ltd, (Contact Details).

AHB is launching the CMC Mk II desk which, like the Mk I, will incorporate a custom-built microcomputer to control some of its mixer functions. In addition the new desk has full cue, talkback and monitoring facilities, better noise performance, and optional high or low tape recorder operating levels. A new dedicated remote controller, the CMR, enables synchronising of event changes to MIDI systems with a flexible sequencer. All data for the CMR is stored in interchangeable RAM cartridges which retain their memory for ten years. Details: Simon Jones, AHB Ltd, (Contact Details).

Alcatraz Soundcells have launched a new range of home recording videos. These include a Primer (a layman's guide to recording sound), Production Techniques, Synthesiser Programming, and MIDI Application. These can be obtained from Alcatraz Soundcells by Mail Order and are priced at £29.95 each (including P&P). Details: (Contact Details).

The Ampex Corporation have announced that due to public demand for additional time to cue programs they have increased the play lengths of Ampex 672 series professional audio cassettes at no extra expense to the customer. Available now, each of the four play lengths (C30, C45, C60 and C90) will be increased by four minutes. Details: Catherine Murphy-O'Connor, Ampex Corporation, Magnetic Tape Division, (Contact Details).

John & Ivor Arbiter are now distributing Ram and Dynamix products in both Britain and the States. These are the Ram Pico, Micro and Mega consoles and the Dynamix Series 2, PMR, D2000, D3000 and D4000 as well as their power mixer, the PM12G. Details: John & Ivor Arbiter Ltd, (Contact Details).

New from US manufacturer Audio Logic comes the MT66 stereo compressor/limiter and the MT44 quad noise gate. The former features dynamic range compression from 1:1 or ∞:1, has its own noise gate, a 5-bar LED bar graph indicating gain reduction, gate, threshold, ratio, attack and release controls, input and output controls, side-chain inputs and stereo link switch.

The MT44 contains four independent expander-type noise gates with release, threshold and range with variable attenuation from 0-100dB, and a key input. A control output on each channel gives a +5V trigger when the selected gate or key signal rises above the threshold. The price is £289. Details: Rob Grant or Rob Maskell, Rhino Distribution, Equipment Division, (Contact Details).

FWO Bauch have been appointed as distributors of Magni Systems Magni 2015 PCATS (Personal computer aided television synthesiser). This software-based system is used with IBM-PC, COMPAQ or an IBM compatible personal computer for the generation of test signals in composite, component, and digital forms, including signals for HDTV. Details: FWO Bauch Limited, (Contact Details)

Dod Electronics are to launch their first digital reverb system at the forthcoming AES show in New York. The Dod 6400 will offer 64 presets with pre-delay and the flexibility of EPROM update at an affordable price. Details: Rhino Distribution, Equipment Division, (Contact Details).

Klark Teknik received their Queen's Award for export achievement at their recently extended premises on the 1st of July this year. Sales director Gaston Goossens accepted the award on behalf of the company and the ceremony was followed by much food and champagne!

The new DN716 digital delay line from Klark Teknik uses 16-bit linear A/D and D/A convertors to offer SOTA noise and distortion performance at full 20Hz-20kHz bandwidth. It features no less than three outputs, each with a max. delay of 1.3s, and primarily suited for time synchronisation in multiple sound distribution systems and critical multi-driver time alignment application. Details: Peter Tongue, Klark Teknik PLC, (Contact Details).

Rebis, primarily known for their modular processors have come up with a new noise gate which talks MIDI. The RA701's two channels send note on/off, key number and velocity data via a single MIDI Out socket. It could put an end to the frustrations of studios with MIDI drum machines that won't trigger externally without special pads or interfaces. The RA701 also has a frequency-conscious side-chain, four stage envelope with delay of up to 23, trigger mask up to 48 which can be used to remove offbeats or change accent levels, stereo and duck facilities, external key inputs and 5V trigger outputs. Details: Rebis Audio Ltd, (Contact Details).

Finally, from Southworth Music Systems comes the JamBox/4 SMPTE/MIDI interface. This is a 19" rack mounting unit which reads four independent MIDI inputs, can generate a SMPTE code and is designed for use with the Apple Macintosh or Atari 1040 computers. TTL level synchronisation at 24, 48, 96, 192 and 384 clocks per beat as well as DIN sync is provided. Because of its drop-out detection circuitry and linear slew rate control the JamBox is able to SMPTE stripe everything down to a Sony Walkman and would therefore be useful in a home recording setup. Details: Bill Southworth, Southworth Music Inc, (Contact Details).

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Readers' Tapes

Publisher: Home & Studio Recording - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

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Home & Studio Recording - Aug 1986

Donated & scanned by: Mike Gorman


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