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The Front End

Frottage with the famous

Article from Making Music, August 1987

Frottage with the famous: our mate Jakko Jakszyk, brilliant guitarist, producer, and mime artist (see last August's issue), has been hobnobbing again.

Jakko visited a studio in LA to see his pal Larry Williams. "I couldn't get in," he told us, "and Larry had to come to the door to vouch for me. He was about to explain why when I spotted this familiar figure leaning against a wall in the corridor. 'Oh, Jakko, I'd like you to meet Michael Jackson.'"

Jakko's main conversation with the other one involved a pair of pointy suede boots our man was wearing. Only later did Jakko realise how silly it was telling one of the top-selling artists of all time how cheap Shelly's Shoe Shop was.

"There is a bad image about electronic music. To many people it means vacuum cleaners."Jean-Michel Jarre

In the studio, Quincy Jones was working on the new Jackson LP. Standout tracks included a gospelly number called 'The Man In the Mirror', 'Speed Demon', with its "crazy brass arrangement", and the single, 'Bad', which will have a video directed by either Scorsese or Coppola.

But the most interesting thing Jakko learned that day was not how Michael Jackson makes his records, or why he sounds like Mickey Mouse, but his nickname (and Jakko swears this is true): Quincy Jones calls Michael Jackson "Smelly ".

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Manual Labour

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Album Analysis

Publisher: Making Music - Track Record Publishing Ltd, Nexus Media Ltd.

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Making Music - Aug 1987

The Front End


Previous article in this issue:

> Manual Labour

Next article in this issue:

> Album Analysis

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