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How They Do Only You

Vince Clarke

Article from One Two Testing, November 1982

READOUT: Yazoo/single/control panel plans/sound guide... GOSUB

Did YOU thrill to the sound of "Only You"? Do the bumps and tinkles of Yazoo send you rushing to your favourite synth for a desperate bout of control twiddling? Want to know how it was done? Then look no further.

As a special present to One Two readers, man of silicon Vince Clarke has produced a keyboard players' guide to their first hit single. We've reproduced Vince's own control panel plans for each of the five sounds he used to record "Only You".

They're drawn up to match the synthesiser he used, the Sequential Circuits Pro One, but you can convert his ideas and patches to your own machine to follow the Yazoo route.

And if you want to sing along the words go... ahh, but why am I telling you? You know already. You're clever like that.

Yazoo are ex-Depeche Mode writer/synth player Vince Clarke and singer Alison 'Alf' Moyet. Vince was a founder member of Depeche and wrote their hit singles "Dreaming of Me", "New Life" and "Just Can't Get Enough". Alf joined him at the beginning of the year after singing with r'n'b bands and the London and South East circuit.

Their first single "Only You" went to number two in the British charts and was hotly followed by "Don't Go". Their debut album "Upstairs at Eric's" which included the 45's was released in the middle of August.

The pair are due to go on the road at the end of the year and have been working on Vince's newly acquired Fairlight Computer Keyboard which should handle most of the keyboard parts.

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Publisher: One Two Testing - IPC Magazines Ltd, Northern & Shell Ltd.

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One Two Testing - Nov 1982

Donated by: Angelinda


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> Penthouse and Statement

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> Casiotone VL1

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