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Article from Electronics & Music Maker, April 1985 |
The readers' synth sound page. Instruments featured this month include the Roland SH101, Yamaha DX7 and Korg Poly 61.
Readers send in details of their own synth patches and how they can be played...
Here's another chance to show off your latest sonic creations and share some favourite patches with fellow readers... If you feel like blowing your own trumpet, send your offering on a copy of an owner's manual patch chart (including a blank one for artwork purposes) to Patchwork, E&MM, (Contact Details).
K B Thomas, Mid-Glamorgan
We were mightily impressed by this flute patch, and especially by the manner in which an increase in amplitude can be introduced with the 101's Bender control. To obtain the characteristic 'breath' element of an acoustic flute sound, simply add a small amount of Noise.
John Martin, Lancs
John must have taken a break from his guitar for this one. What's that? That one spells his surname with a y? Dammit. Thought we had someone famous writing in for a moment there. Not finding the Steel Drums patch supplied with the Poly 61 to his personal liking, John has created an alternative version which can also be adjusted to produce more off-the-wall effects when Parameter 64 is set to about 4.
Steve Clark, London
Steve's getting to be something of a Patchwork regular, and seems to have devoted most of his recent programming towards trying to make a Juno 106 sound like a DX7 - more specifically, the Yamaha's warm 'Brass 1' preset. He mentions that the VCF and ENV settings are fairly critical, but if you're anxious to make up for the fact that unlike that of the DX7 the Juno's timbre does not vary depending on what key velocity you apply, you can adjust the VCF ENV parameter to give a variety of different timbres. The setting shown results in an approximate imitation of a harder key strike on the DX7.
Robin North, Swansea
So, while people who haven't got a DX7 try to make their synth sound like one, people who have will do anything to avoid making the fact obvious. Why anyone would want to synthesise a 'clapped-out Bechstein' grand piano sound is beyond the comprehension of us mortals at E&MM, but that's exactly what Robin has done. He swears no disrespect to the great piano maker, but we have our doubts...
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Two For the 7 - DX Programming |
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BeeBMIDI (Part 6)
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Hands On: Yamaha DX7
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Korg Poly 61
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Korg Poly 61
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Load Baring
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Load Baring
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One For The 7 - DX7 Patch
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One Off - DX7 Patch
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Polyphonic Synthesizers
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Roland 106 vs Yamaha DX9
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Roland Juno 106 Polysynth
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Roland SH-101
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...and 19 more Patchwork articles... (Show these)
Browse category: Synthesizer > Roland
Browse category: Synthesizer > Korg
Browse category: Synthesizer > Yamaha
Gear in this article:
Synthesizer > Roland > SH-101
Synthesizer > Roland > Juno 106
Synthesizer > Korg > Poly 61
Synthesizer > Yamaha > DX7
Gear Tags:
Digital Synth
Analog Synth
FM Synth
FM 6-Operator
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