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Article from Music Technology, August 1989

Popularity is the password to this month's selection of readers' synth patches - the stars of the show are Korg's M1 Music Workstation and Casio's CZ synths.

If you're still waiting to see your particular synth featured in these pages, then why not be the first to submit some sounds?

Don't forget that if your patch gets published, you'll receive a free year's subscription to MUSIC TECHNOLOGY with our compliments. So send us your favourite sounds on a photocopy of an owner's manual chart (coupled with a blank one for artwork purposes) accompanied by a short demo-tape (don't worry too much about classic performances and impeccable recording quality; just present your sounds simply and concisely - and convince us you're the best of the bunch). Include a decent-length description of your sound and its musical purpose in life, and write your full name and address on each chart. And remember, edited presets are all very well, but an original masterpiece is always preferable. OK?

KORG M1 - Big Piano

T Huitson, Brighton

This patch has fallen out of a real time-warp - a genuine tinkling bar-room joanna, lacking only the chink of pint pots and the murmur of inebriated punters to complete the atmosphere. A bizarre detail is in the aftertouch, which "makes it sound like a gramophone record slowed to a halt, then allowed to speed up again". Try it for a laugh.

(Click image for higher resolution version)

CASIO CZ101 - Piponette

Alexander Deliyannis, Greece

Imagine a pipe organ mixed with a clarinet, with a couple of cellos thrown in for good measure, and you've got 'Piponette'. It would make a excellent, mournful lead sound for a weepie in the classic vein, and Alexander suggests "it could be put to good use when you compose your next Requiem (Greeks, they are such cheerful people!)". OK, Alexander, free sub on the way, and no more treks to tedious sunny Athens to get your copy of MT. These Greeks, they don't know what side their bread's buttered.

(Click image for higher resolution version)

Available files:

  CZV Piponette.mp3 (521 KB)

Recorded from CZ-V
ben@muzines | 12th Dec 2019 | Downloads: 56

  VCZ Piponette.mp3 (521 KB)

Recorded from Virtual CZ
ben@muzines | 12th Dec 2019 | Downloads: 56 (668 B)

Single patch for CZ series
ben@muzines | 5th Dec 2019 | Downloads: 67

Arturia CZ-V patch
ben@muzines | 6th Dec 2019 | Downloads: 68

Virtual CZ aupreset
ben@muzines | 5th Dec 2019 | Downloads: 63

Virtual CZ VST3 preset
ben@muzines | 5th Dec 2019 | Downloads: 63

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Synthesizer Patches

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Browse category: Synthesizer > Casio

Browse category: Sampler (Playback Only) > Double Dutch

Browse category: Expansion Board > Cannon Research

Browse category: Expansion Board > InVision

Browse category: Software: Editor/Librarian > Joreth Music

Browse category: Synthesizer Module > Korg

Browse category: Software: Editor/Librarian > Power Tools

Browse category: Software: Editor/Librarian > Pandora

Browse category: Software: Editor/Librarian > Steinberg

Previous Article in this issue

Anatek Pocket FX

Next article in this issue

Hollis MIDIman

Publisher: Music Technology - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

The current copyright owner/s of this content may differ from the originally published copyright notice.
More details on copyright ownership...


Music Technology - Aug 1989

Article has file downloads


Previous article in this issue:

> Anatek Pocket FX

Next article in this issue:

> Hollis MIDIman

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