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Article from Electronics & Music Maker, December 1984

Readers send in their own synth sounds and details of how to play them. Sounds this month for the SCI Six-Trak, Roland JX3P, and a rather special patch for Yamaha's DX series.

Readers send in details of their own synth patches and how to play them...

Patchwork provides you with a chance to show off your best synth sounds, so if you're of a sharing nature, send your offering on a copy of an owner's manual patch chart (including a blank one for artwork purposes) to: Patchwork, E&MM, (Contact Details).

ROLAND SH101 - 'Tomita'

K Thomas, Mid-Glamorgan

A classic one this - full-bodied, clear and sweet (have you been on the wine again? - Ed). When setting the all-important filter controls, push the Resonance up to 10, then slowly slide Frequency up from 0 until the sound becomes really clean (should be about 3.5).

(Click image for higher resolution version)

ROLAND JX3P - 'Vibraphone II'

Markus Aigner, Austria

No notes with this one, though we particularly liked the sound that emerged when B8 was reduced from 8 to 5. Values relate to the Edit facility on the JX3P, but these can be adapted to suit the PG200 programmer, facilitating further editing and the possibility of discovering new sounds along the way.

General Notes:
1. The patch may be achieved either with the PG-200 programmer, switched to manual, or by using the JX3-P edit facility.

2. The indicator column refers to the bank buttons A to D or, where appropriate, the Tone Selector indicators 1 to 16 which are set using the sens knob.

3. DCO-2 tuning (elements A-8 and A-9) is best accomplished "by ear".

(Click image for higher resolution version)

SCI SIX-TRAK - 'Six-Trak Twosome'

Roger Holdom, Cheshire

A soft French Horn (A) that can double as a good solo sound or, if chords are played with the left hand, can be used for adding a bit of atmosphere or subtle backing. A slight amount of modulation can be added with the mod wheel if desired.

The second listing (B) is a staccato sound useful for arpeggiated bass lines, but chords aren't out of the question, either. Again, it may be worth experimenting with the performance controls.

(Click image for higher resolution version)

YAMAHA DX9 - 'J M Jarre'

DX9 Voicing Competition Winner, John Pagan

Winner of the recent DX9 Voicing Competition (see Newsdesk), this patch came into E&MM's offices without any additional sonic information. Still, if it won its creator an MT44 personal multitracker, it should be well worth entering into a DX.

(Click image for higher resolution version)

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Publisher: Electronics & Music Maker - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

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Electronics & Music Maker - Dec 1984


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