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Mini Reviews

Soundcraft SA1000 Power Amp

Article from One Two Testing, June 1986

Soundcraft sent us one of their SA1000 power amps to have a look at so we did.

We plugged it in, like you do, and it worked fine. No complaints. It handled its duties as a power amp very well, meaning it did everything you would expect a power amp to do — it produced a clean sound at extremely high output, had smart switching which cut the unit out when any one of a multiplicity of possible problems occurred, and ran fairly cool, making it possible to use in a tiny studio where a steaming power amp would be annoying.

If you're in the market for a lot of watts, you couldn't do much better at the price.

Most importantly, though, it has the capability of issuing an extremely loud noise which is obviously an advantage when you're talking power amps so all in all it's a hefty little beast in its black metal casing. Your neighbours won't like it but you will.

SOUNDCRAFT SA1000 power amp: £850

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Publisher: One Two Testing - IPC Magazines Ltd, Northern & Shell Ltd.

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One Two Testing - Jun 1986

Mini Reviews

Gear in this article:

Amplifier > Soundcraft > SA1000

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> Fernandez RJB-55 Bass

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> Fender Vintage Series Teleca...

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