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Tascam 38 Eight Track Tape Recorder | |
Article from Home & Studio Recording, April 1984 |
User Report
The Tascam 38 can operate in three different modes: Reproduce, Input and Sync. An LED above each mode switch indicates your selection. Reproduce is the standard playback mode, Input is used to make an initial recording and Sync mode is used when monitoring existing tracks while making overdubs at the same time. Because Sync mode employs the same tape head for record and monitoring, it is impossible to create timing errors.
Unfortunately, there is a problem associated with this facility and that is one of internal feedback between adjacent tracks in Sync mode. This is due to two instruments being recorded onto the tracks at high VU levels and will result in the VU meter needles suddenly slamming hard up against the red end of the scale. Admittedly this is a rare occurrence with the Tascam 38 but good track layout and sensible levels can ensure that it doesn't happen at all.
The standard 10½" reel of tape lasts for 32 minutes (at 15ips) which is easily enough for half an album's worth of material. Since I have found the 38 to be very quiet when using noise reduction, there is no real reason why album standard recordings could not be made on this machine as long as there are not too many overdubs or bounces, as these can degrade the finished result considerably.
There is a punch in/out facility provided on the 38 which is extremely helpful if working solo. It is a foot-operated device and allows you to go directly into or out of record mode while the tape is in motion. A remote control unit is also available supplied with a twenty foot connection lead which plugs directly into the rear of the machine, giving full control over all transport function controls located on the front panel. A further optional extra supplied by Tascam is a 19" rack-mounting kit which enables the recorder to be sited within a rack neatly, and out of harms way. Highly recommended.
Every machine comes with a 114 page operational/maintenance manual which is extensive to say the least. However, for someone who isn't fully conversant with technical jargon, they may find it rather overwhelming. Perhaps it would be better to get a dealer to show you exactly how to wire the machine up and explain how it operates.
The first real problem I encountered with the Tascam 38 was its strange input and output signal voltages. The mixing desk I was using, an Alice 12/4/8, had a nominal output voltage greater than the nominal input voltage of the recorder causing problems with overloading inputs etc. To get around this problem I built a series of attenuating circuits (potential dividers), one for each track input. This is a perfectly legitimate practice as the resistor network does not degrade the audio signal quality, as long as impedance matching rules are obeyed.
Incidentally, this is a fairly common problem when combining different types of equipment, especially mixing American and Japanese products. It is due to manufacturers adopting different voltage reference levels to define their nominal input and output levels. Some choose 0.775 volts and others 1 volt.
I hope this report has not sounded too destructive, it was intended as a more 'objective' addition to the manufacturer's brochure, which of course contains nothing but praise for the machine. Having said that, I would not swap my Tascam 38 for any other 8-track currently on the market. It is a very good quality recorder for the price, which has not given me any technical problems, apart from the aforementioned, since it was bought some 17 months ago - and that is after almost continuous use, six hours per day. All in all, a great machine!
For further details on the Tascam 38 contact your nearest Teac/Tascam dealer, or phone Harman (UK) Ltd. (Contact Details).
User Report by Chris Allison
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