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The Jay Arthur Column

Article from Making Music, February 1987

"Now that you're approaching the end of your youth, are you at all disappointed that you opted for a trivial pursuit in life, and I mean that all art must be that in real terms, or is the feedback enough to sustain you and stop you musing over what you might have done that might have been more worthwhile?" — Ray Hammond, question to Peter Gabriel, Sound On Sound, Jan '87

"The sound of an untethered rabid chainsaw pirouetting around a checkered marble floor, tearing through the jugular veins of waxwork mannequins from bygone years, and splintering the familiar with contempt and soft carresses." — Ted Mico on Holger Hiller, Melody Maker, Jan '87

"Live, they juggle intricate guitar lines with furious insistent anti-beats... — Junk review, Melody Maker, Jan '87

'Infinit Score Raising Sound - This is a mysterious impression effect.' — Roland manual, effect setting description

"The only good muso is a stuffed muso" — contents page, Melody Maker, 1986

"Some strange omissions, appalling checking of spellings and criminally bland photo captioning prevent an unal-for detail, but they tend ultimately loyed recommendation ..." — book review, Making Music, Dec '86

"[Dream Syndicate's] 1982 debut album, recorded live in the studio in one day, was like an open wound on the face of New Wave complacency, audio verite at its most relentless." — David Fricke, Review of 1986, Rolling Stone

"In a simple analogy, the new JBL/UREI Amplifiers do each signal track right the first time, so that you don't have to fix it in the mix. The result is sound far cleaner than typical quasi-complementary and fully-complementary output stages only." — US ad, Guitar Player Nov 86

This column compiled by Jay Arthur. Any contributions gratefully received, and repayed with badges and stickers from the Making Music Badges and Stickers collection.

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Know Your Contract

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Tokai Move

Publisher: Making Music - Track Record Publishing Ltd, Nexus Media Ltd.

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Making Music - Feb 1987



Feature by Jay Arthur

Previous article in this issue:

> Know Your Contract

Next article in this issue:

> Tokai Move

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