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Dave Meegan - ...I Nearly Joined The Foreign Legion! - Part 1

Interview Series | Topic: Recording Studios | Sound On Sound, Nov 1985

Engineer Dave Meegan recalls how depression helped land him a plum position at Trevor Horn's Sarm West Studios. Chris Allison listened with great interest.

Dave Meegan - ...I Nearly Joined The Foreign Legion! - Part 2

Interview Series | Topic: Recording Studios | Sound On Sound, Dec 1985

Last month we followed the career of Dave Meegan as he progressed from studio tape-op to full-time engineer at Trevor Horn's Sarm West Studios. This time Chris Allison discovers Dave's feelings about studio life in the fast lane.

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Daniel Lanois - The Magic of Daniel Lanois - Part 2

Interview Series | Sound On Sound, Sep 1987

In the concluding part of our in-depth interview with this French-Canadian engineer/producer, Mark Prendergast discovers how Lanois recorded the 'So' album with Peter Gabriel and more about his co-production with Brian Eno of U2's 'The Joshua Tree' and 'Unforgettable Fire' LPs.

This artist was mentioned in these other articles

We Are The Management

Feature | Topic: Music Business | Music Technology, Nov 1988

Who are the music biz' management, and do you really need them? David Bradwell talks to the people who take care of the stars and their affairs.



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