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Pete Shelley - Music On Display

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker, Sep 1983

Pete Shelley talks about XL-1

Pete Shelley - Ever Fallen In Love?

Interview | One Two Testing, Jul/Aug 1986

Buzzing back again, cock

This artist was mentioned in these interviews

Martin Rushent - Human League in the Studio

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1982

With Martin Rushent just voted BBC Producer of the Year, our interview from his Genetic Sound Studio, where Human League recorded ‘Dare’, must be THE music feature of the month!

Spotlight on Mainframe

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1984

One of the first and principal exponents of computer music interviewed.

Hit Man Hague

Interview | Sound On Sound, Mar 1992

Stephen Hague has demonstrated considerable talent as a producer of classy electronic pop, riding the faders for the Pet Shop Boys and New Order. But his recent work on albums by Robbie Robertson and Siouxsie & The Banshees shows that he has more strings to his bow. Paul Tingen lends an ear.

Phil Harmonics

Interview | International Musician, Sep 1985

League leader and Moroder man talks tech to Tony Mills

This artist was mentioned in these other articles

BBC Synth

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Mar 1984

MuProc software

Questionnaire Results - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Computing | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1984

Readers' replies to the second half of our survey, analysed by David Ellis.



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