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Europeans - So You Say

Interview | One Two Testing, Aug 1984
Geoff Dugmore

Geoff Dugmore discusses drums

This artist was mentioned in these interviews

Stockhausen - Part 3

Interview Series | Sound International, Dec 1978

Jill Purce concludes discussions with the new music man.

Bernard Xolotl on Synclavier II and Music

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1983

This French-born synthesist describes his experiences with the Synclavier and other digital instruments

Bill Nelson

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1983

An in-depth interview with this multitalented musician/composer/producer who reveals the techniques used on his new LP and explains how to use the E-bow to best advantage

Return of the Warrior

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1984

One of the seventies' most original instrumental bands, Jade Warrior almost ceased to exist four years ago. Now a new album and some rare live appearances look like reestablishing them for good. Interview by Dan Goldstein.

Close Enough for Jazz

Interview | One Two Testing, Dec 1984

how to jazz guitar

Cassandra Complex - The Cassandra Complex

Interview | Micro Music, Dec 1989

Steve Cogan finds out just what Satan and Bugs Bunny have to do with this Cyberpunk band who swear by their ST

Philip Glass - 20th Century Americans - Philip Glass - Part 1

Interview Series | Music Technology, Jan 1993

Philip Glass: Glazed expression

Ray Lema - World System

Interview | Music Technology, Aug 1989

It's the talk of Paris' hep musical set, Peter Gabriel set up a new record label for it and Ray Lema is one of its greatest exponents - Simon Trask discovers hitech ethnic music is about to make its mark on popular culture.

Roland Kerridge - Pushing The Beat

Interview | Music Technology, Dec 1990

Once he prayed to the beat behind Re-flex, he's since become versed in high technology and worked with artists as diverse as Kate Bush and Mory Kante. Ollie Crooke talks to a rhythm programmer extraordinaire.

Ultravox - Love's Great Adventure

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1984

Seven years old and still going strong, Ultravox discuss writing, recording and performing with Dan Goldstein. They also explain why they've got four OSCars...

We found these other (non-interview) articles that are linked to this artist

Europeans - Record Talkback

Feature | Electronic Soundmaker, Nov 1983

Recognising Europeans

This artist was mentioned in these other articles

Wanted - Drums of Note - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Buyer's Guide | In Tune, Dec 1986

Recording Techniques - Part 10

Feature Series | Topic: MIDI, Recording, Syncronisation | Sound On Sound, Sep 1990
MIDI & Multitrack

Part 10: David Mellor looks at ways of getting the best of both worlds by combining a MIDI system with a multitrack tape recorder.

On Stage

Music Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1984

Two sparkling summer concerts, by Ultravox and Michael Nyman.


News | Sound International, Jun 1978

Hardware Overload

Show Report | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1985
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly at Frankfurt's Musical Fiesta

Five pages of glorious colour on the exhibition to end all exhibitions - the annual Frankfurt Musik Messe. Dan Goldstein comes hotfoot from Germany to report on the latest developments on the hi-tech music scene. And there are a lot of them.

Karlheinz Stockhausen

Feature | Sound On Sound, May 1992
Electronics Into Light

Karlheinz Stockhausen has had a profound influence on modern music from the 1950s onwards, and pioneered the use of electronics to create genuinely new music. Mark J. Prendergast reviews his career.

Apple Notes

Feature | Topic: Computing | Sound On Sound, May 1993

Apple Notes

Feature | Topic: Computing | Sound On Sound, Sep 1993

New Africa

Feature | Topic: History / Culture | Phaze 1, Apr 1989

if your music feels lacklustre, dabble in dance rhythms from the dark continent

Pearl GLX-22D50

Review | International Musician, Jan 1985

"With this new Pearl," claims Bob Henrit," the word could be your oyster."

Frankfurt Review - This Year's Models

Show Report | International Musician, Apr 1985

A glimpse of the equipment you could well be buying in the forthcoming year

A Day In The Life Of... A Tour - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Live | Sound International, Apr 1979

The backstage view of the mammoth Tull operation from Tony Freeman, one of those without whom... nervous times among the cigarette stubs.

The News

News | Making Music, Jul 1987

gets better



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