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Big Country - Country Life

Interview | One Two Testing, Dec 1984

the instrumental side of touring

Big Country - The Biggest Country

Interview | Phaze 1, Jan 1989

from america to russia and back again, rock 'n' roll puts the cold war on ice

Big Country - Local Heroes

Interview | International Musician, Aug 1986

Born-again guitar heroes Big Country foresee even greater success for their latest album, The Seer. Overseeing their ambitions, our very own Ricky Gordon

This artist was mentioned in these interviews

Geoff Emerick - producer/engineer

Interview | Home & Studio Recording, Jul 1985

The Beatles, Wings, Elvis Costello, Nick Heyward, Big Country... all have at one time or another come under the watchful ear of this producer/engineer.

The Cultural Revolution

Interview | International Musician, Sep 1986

Are The Cult hippies? Do they like guitar solos? Do they know what other people think of them, and do they care? Chris Maillard has the answers....

Inside The KLF

Interview | Sound On Sound, Apr 1991

Mark J. Prendergast looks behind the anonymous front of the KLF, riding high on the success of 'What Time Is Love' and '3am Eternal'.

Awopbopaloomopalopbamboom or Bust

Interview | International Musician, Sep 1986

The original Mr. Electrify in a very, er, um.. frank interview about Sex 'n' Drugs 'n' Rock 'n' roll — the first time round, Iain Blair spares no blushes

One Man's Dream

Interview | International Musician, Apr 1985

The Jones boy finally agrees to talk to us. Tony Horkins plays the diplomatic attaché

Days of Ure

Interview | International Musician, Dec 1985

Gary Hopkins lends an ear to the Caledonian Crooner

Do The Hüsker

Interview | Making Music, Jul 1987

Celtic Soul Brothers

Interview | One Two Testing, Jul/Aug 1986

More Scots before the eyes

Young Guns

Interview | One Two Testing, Sep 1986

Paws for thought

Cocteau Twins - Digging For Treasures

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker, Feb 1985

An uphill struggle to unearth the trade secrets of this enigmatic trio, the Cocteau Twins.

Depeche Mode - The Basildon Bond

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker, Apr 1984

Midge Ure

Interview | Sound On Sound, Nov 1985
A Man With A Gift

In between tours with Ultravox and appearances on Live Aid, Midge Ure somehow found the time to discuss the writing and recording of his first ever solo LP 'The Gift' and his No1 single with Ian Gilby.

Steve Bolton - Yew-Dee-Doo

Interview | One Two Testing, Nov 1983
Paul Young's Royal Family

Guitarist Steve Bolton and bass player Pino Palladino explain the importance of being a Swedish Chef.

Calum Malcolm - King Of The Castle

Interview | Music Technology, Dec 1992

Calum Malcolm: Going to Caledonia

We found these other (non-interview) articles that are linked to this artist

Big Country - Overalls

Feedback | One Two Testing, Nov 1983
So You Say

What the people say.

Big Country - 15 Things

Feature | Making Music, May 1986
You never knew about Big Country

Big Country - Skill Centre: Big Country

Feature | Topic: Tuition / Technique | Making Music, Jul 1986
Big Country's Bruce Watson plays

Country guitarist Bruce Watson shows you the chords to 'Look Away'.

This artist was mentioned in these other articles

Finding Sessions

Feature | Topic: Music Business | One Two Testing, Nov 1985

Big Country's Mark Brzezicki tells how


News | Phaze 1, Nov 1988
People, Gear, Events, Gossip

happening people, gear, events, gossip

Drum Hum

Feature | Topic: Tuition / Technique | Making Music, Jun 1986

Geoff Nicholls calms down the fight between the drum machine and the real drummer.


Review | One Two Testing, Mar 1984

Review by Bill Nelson.

Studio Diary

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | International Musician, May 1986

More from the world of pine cladding and deep-pile carpet



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