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Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1983

Britain’s fastest-rising rock band discusses music and visuals

Marillion - One in a Marillion

Interview | Topic: Advertisement Feature | International Musician, Sep 1986

Alan Townsend braves an interview

Marillion - Marillion airs

Interview | One Two Testing, Sep 1985

gear-speak from all the band's men

Marillion - One In A M'rillion

Interview | Making Music, Aug 1987
This artist was mentioned in these interviews

Steve Rothery - The Sound That Steve Built

Interview | Recording Musician, Sep 1992

Marillion's guitarist talks to John Harris about the band's home studio and about getting great guitar sounds on tape...

The Producers

Interview | International Musician, Mar 1986

Chas de Whalley chinwagging with the man behind some of the best tracks by Toyah, Marillion, and Thin Lizzy — Nick Tauber

Tony Banks - And Then There Was One...

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1986

Tim Goodyer pays Genesis' legendary keyboardsman a visit to hear all about life in one of rock's most longstanding and influential bands and their 16th LP.

Neil Carter - He Ain't Heavy...

Interview | Music Technology, Sep 1987

Is heavy metal really all mouth and trousers, or is there music in there too? Gary Moore's keyboardsman discusses technology and the changing face of rock with Tim Goodyer - quietly.

Peter Hammill - Educating Peter

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker, Sep 1985

Hammill’s unique style is examined in print and on tape

Tony Banks

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1983

Key man in Genesis discusses his writing and recording with the band, his solo work, and playing Genesis music live.

Still Life

Interview | Sound On Sound, Jul 1991

Tony Banks talks to Kendall Wrightson about his new solo album, Technology, and the latest chapter in the book of Genesis.

Mark Stanway

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1984
Keyboards with Magnum and Phil Lynott

Keyboard player with Magnum, Mark Stanway has also worked with Phil Lynott. Here he talks about writing, recording and performing with one of Britain's brightest rock hopes.

Sigue Sigue Sputnik

Interview | One Two Testing, Feb 1986

Wig out with the kings of hype

Propaganda - The Ministry Of Propaganda

Interview | Music Technology, Jul 1990

In 1985 Propaganda produced a seminal electronic music album - then they vanished. Five years on they've returned to pick up where they left off. Michael Mertens talks to Tim Goodyer about technology and the German tradition.

We found these other (non-interview) articles that are linked to this artist

Marillion - Skill Centre: Marillion

Feature | Topic: Tuition / Technique | Making Music, Apr 1986
Marillion's Steve Rothery plays Kayleigh

Guitarist Steve Rothery shows you how to play 'Kayleigh' in words and pictures

Marillion - Beatroute

Feature | Topic: Gear Guide | International Musician, Feb 1986

Paul Henderson on the preparations that go into the Fish dish

Marillion - Track Record - Kayleigh

Feature | Topic: Classic Tracks | International Musician, Aug 1985

A new series that allows you to take the producer's chair in the making of a track. This month we look at Marillion's Kayleigh

This artist was mentioned in these other articles

Pomp Up The Volume

Feature | Topic: History / Culture | Phaze 1, Feb 1989

a history of progressive rock - is there a new day dawning for the dinosaurs?

BMF Preview

Show Report | One Two Testing, Jul/Aug 1986

All's Fair in Olympia and war


News | Making Music, Sep 1986
The BMF Goes Up In...

Read today the Bob Dylan story a friend will tell you in the pub next week.

Songs And Their Sections - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Music Theory | Making Music, Oct 1986

Part two considers arrangements: getting right all the instruments order in the.

Production Lines

Opinion | Sound On Sound, Nov 1993

Genesis, Marillion and Fuzzbox producer Nick Davis suggests how British music might regain some lost magic.


News | Making Music, Feb 1987


Editorial | One Two Testing, Nov 1983


News | One Two Testing, Dec 1983

Ideas, asides, impertinences, and that.



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