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This artist was mentioned in these interviews

John McLaughlin

Interview | Sound On Sound, Jul 1988

Over the last three decades John McLaughlin has done more than anybody else in popular jazz and rock music to explore the potential of the guitar, both acoustic and electric. Here he talks to Mark Prendergast about his eclectic career, pioneering use of guitar synthesizers, and the Synclavier.

Robert Irving III - Latest In The Line

Interview | Music Technology, Feb 1987

Fancy following in the footsteps of Herbie Hancock, Keith Jarret and Chick Corea? Robert Irving did, and now finds himself doing just that, playing keyboards with Miles Davis. Tim Goodyer reports.

This Is Gordon Sumner

Interview | International Musician, Jul 1985

The high priest of Pop discusses his solo album, musicianship, songwriting and The Police.

King For A Year

Interview | Making Music, Apr 1987

Joe Zawinul - Hey Joe!

Interview | Music Technology, Jan 1992

Once leader of the seminal Weather Report, Joe Zawinul recently took his current project, The Zawinul Syndicate, on the road. Simon Trask talks with an acknowledged master of the synthesiser.

Red Bill

Interview | One Two Testing, Jul/Aug 1986

The birth of HM jazz?

Lonnie Liston Smith - Rhodes Scholar

Interview | Music Technology, May 1993

In a career spanning 30 years, including stints with Art Blakey and Miles Davis and a string of hit fusion albums, Lonnie Liston Smith has seen the changing role of the jazz pianist at first hand. In London for a rare live outing, Lonnie talks keyboards while Simon Trask clicks his fingers, shuts his eyes and goes "yeahhh"

Mark Isham - Blowing Technology's Horn

Interview | Sound On Sound, Nov 1988

Mark Prendergast talks with trumpeter, composer, and synthesist Mark Isham about new technology, David Sylvian, Van Morrison, Windham Hill, and his solo career as one of Hollywood's more interesting film soundtrack composers.

Jon Hassell

Interview | Sound On Sound, Jul 1991

Jon Hassell has been at the leading edge of new music for three decades, with major contributions to western avant garde and world music. Following the re-release of two classic albums from the early '80s, Mark J. Prendergast presents a retrospective of Hassell's work.

Renaissance man

Interview | The Mix, Oct 1994

Jazzer who likes to mix his rhythms

Non-stop trip hop be-bop

Interview | The Mix, Dec 1994

Working Week

Interview | One Two Testing, Apr 1985
and the wages of Jazz

David Torn - The Struggle For Freedom

Interview | Music Technology, Jul 1987

Not quite a household name, but an American jazz fusion guitarist whose attitude to improvisation and performing with new technology is starting a quiet revolution. Dan Goldstein gets the lowdown.

Jason Rebello - Jazz Baby

Interview | Music Technology, Dec 1990

The release of Jason Rebello's first LP shows him to be more than the tasteful performer the jazz circuit already recognises. Simon Trask talks to one of Britain's leading jazz keyboardsmen.

Keith LeBlanc - Drummers' Delight

Interview | Music Technology, Nov 1987

A little-known American drummer who played on such classic recordings as 'Rappers' Delight' and 'The Message' talks to Dan Goldstein about "stretching" technology.

Nils Lofgren - Hard As Nils

Interview | Making Music, Apr 1986

Tales of harmonic Strats as Nils plays with Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, and even his own band

Ronny Jordan - The Jazz Tip

Interview | Music Technology, Jul 1992

Fusing jazz with rap and feel with technology are second nature to Ronny Jordan - whose cover of Miles Davis' 'So What' recently made the pop charts. Simon Trask talks to the man on the "jazz tip".

Allan Holdsworth

Interview | Music UK, Nov 1983

Allan Holdsworth - Life in the New World

Down home mixdown

Interview | Topic: Recording Studios, Video / Film / Picture | The Mix, Feb 1995
Power Station, NYC

We visit the world-renowned studio, and talk to owner and producer Tony Bongiovi.

Jesus Of Cool

Interview | One Two Testing, Oct 1986

Fake art, let's dance

In Yer Face

Interview | Topic: Live | Sound On Stage, Dec 1996
808 State Live

Patrick Moraz

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jan 1983

Talking about improvisation and The Moody Blues

Les Paul

Interview | International Musician, Nov 1975

Father of the electric guitar, inventor of multitrack recording, Les talks about his life and his work.

King For A Day

Interview | Sound On Sound, May 1991

Mark King, master bassist with a string of hit albums to his name as leader of Level 42, has reaped many of the rewards that pop stardom can bring — but satisfaction with the music industry is never guaranteed, as Paul Tingen discovers.

Steve Reich

Interview | Sound On Sound, Sep 1991

Despite an outward contempt for technology, Steve Reich has exploited it to create some of the century's seminal works of modern music, and will rely on the latest in digital electronics for his current project. Mark J. Prendergast tries to make sense of it all.



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