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Stereo MCs - Tales Of The Supernatural

Interview | Music Technology, Dec 1990

In keeping with the ideals of the hip hop movement, the Stereo MCs new LP sees ingenuity and talent used to wring the most out of a minimum of equipment. Simon Trask elevates his mind.

Stereo MCs - Stereo Speakers

Interview | Music Technology, Apr 1993

The Stereo MC's' Connected was for many the album of 1992; their live shows are currently one of the highlights of 1993. Phil Ward makes his own stereo connection and discovers just what it takes to get the balance right.

This artist was mentioned in these interviews

Home is where the art is

Interview | The Mix, Jul 1994

Someday, all home studios will be built this way - an exclusive survey

Fifty feet high and rising

Interview | The Mix, Nov 1994

Lion Rock’s main man and individualist deckmaster


Interview | Sound On Sound, Oct 1991
Feel Every Beat

Are Electronic, mutant offspring of New Order, The Smiths and the Pet Shop Boys, the first electro-supergroup? Does it matter? Mark J. Prendergast ignores the hype, sidesteps trivial speculation, and talks technical to Bernard Sumner.

This artist was mentioned in these other articles

The Guinness Encyclopedia Of Popular Music

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1993

It takes two to tango

Feature | Topic: Live | The Mix, Dec 1994
Lighting up

Illuminate yourself with our guide to brighter bulbs



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