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Meat Beat Manifesto - Meet the Beat

Interview | Music Technology, Jan 1991

Why limit music to the sounds you hear or the run-of-the-mill images that litter video and concert appearances? Steve Cogan discovers that there's no reason at all - for Meat Beat Manifesto.

Meat Beat Manifesto - Message In A Sample

Interview | Music Technology, May 1993

Meat Beat Manifesto are to music what Andy Warhol was to art - but they've already been famous for longer than 15 minutes. Phil Ward follows them to a Peel session and to their studio in Swindon, and finds that Meat is not, in fact, necessarily murder.

This artist was mentioned in these interviews

Toys R Us

Interview | Music Technology, Aug 1993

The techno punk duo on U2, sampling theft, virtual reality, CDI, and getting the machines to rock.

808 State - The New Statesmen

Interview | Music Technology, Feb 1993

808 State - Absolutely Gorgeous

Orbital - The Magic Circle

Interview | Music Technology, Jun 1993

Phil and Paul Hartnoll are Orbital, and their pioneering brand of user-friendly electronic dance music is a lot more fluid than the traffic on the motorway that prompted the name. So Phil Ward avoids the M25 and heads straight for the heart of the P&P music factory

Philip Glass - 20th Century Americans - Philip Glass - Part 1

Interview Series | Music Technology, Jan 1993

Philip Glass: Glazed expression

The Aphex Twin - Cagey, Canny, Krafty

Interview | Music Technology, Jul 1993

Never mind avoiding presets and programming your own patches... how about rebuilding the whole damn synth? Richard James - aka Polygon Window, Caustic Window, Diceman, Soit PP, Blue Calx, AFX and The Aphex Twin - isn’t happy with his hardware till he’s had the toolbox to it. Phil Ward enters the twilight zone of the lad from Cornwall who’s spearheading the ambient onslaught.

This artist was mentioned in these other articles


Feature | Music Technology, Apr 1994

We know something that you don't...


Feature | Music Technology, May 1994

Total Recall - Part 17

Feature Series | Topic: Vintage Instruments | The Mix, Feb 1995
Vintage technology strikes back

...including The A-Z of Analogue



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