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Issues donated this month: 13

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Funds donated this month: £14.00

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"We'll fix it in the bits..."

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio | The Mix, Sep 1994
Digital voice editing

How to swing the on-screen scalpel

Analogue-To-Digital Conversion

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio | Sound On Sound, Apr 1991

Why isn't everybody happy with 16-bit sampling? Why are 20 bits better than 16? Kendall Wrightson looks at the technology in the latest generation of analogue-to-digital convertors.

Bits 'n' Pieces - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Digital Audio, Recording, Sound Fundamentals | Recording Musician, Dec 1992
Digital Audio

How tapeless recording works and what advantages it has over conventional recording systems.

Bits 'n' Pieces - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Digital Audio, Recording, Sound Fundamentals | Recording Musician, Nov 1992
An Introduction to Digital Audio

Digital audio explained from the ground up — bit by bit!

Bits and Pieces

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio | Electronic Soundmaker, Jun 1984

And you thought PCM was a medical complaint...

Digital Aids The Video Stars

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1982

Do you know why top recording artists like Toyah and Haircut 100 are going digital? Our article explains why.

Digital Audio Discs

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1982
How the LP went in for a transplant and came back a DAD

An explanation of the technology behind the new sound recording revolution: how the LP went in for a transplant and came back a DAD!

Digital Overdubbing

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio, Recording | Home & Studio Recording, Dec 1986

Mike Skeet explains how to bring sound on sound recording into the 20th century using two video recorders and a Sony PCM processor.

Digital Recording - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Digital Audio | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1982
A New Landmark!

The first of a special two-part feature highlighting the dawn of a new era in audio recording.

Digital Recording - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Digital Audio, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1982
The Compact Disc

Digital Signal Processing - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Computing, Digital Audio, Effects Processing | Sound On Sound, Oct 1989
An introduction

PART 1: Digital Signal Processing is rapidly becoming more familiar to musicians and home recordists as digital effects become ever more commonplace. Nevertheless, the technology and principles behind it remain a mystery to most. In this new series Jim Grant offers a straightforward explanation of how DSPs work.

Digitally Yours...

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio, Sound Fundamentals | Music Technology, Aug 1988

We've been sold and resold the idea that digital is better than analogue, but what is digital sound and why is it revolutionising music technology? Peter Bergren counts the bits.

Doing That Digital Thing

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio, Recording, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Making Music, Sep 1986

Producer John Walters discusses how those noughts and ones will affect us musiciany beings.

Every Little Bit

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio, Sampling | Music Technology, Nov 1987

Sound quality has long been a grey area in the world of sampling. Chris Meyer finds out it takes more than "bits" to make a sampler sound good.


Feature | Topic: Digital Audio, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Making Music, Dec 1987

From Studio To Street - The Story Of DAT

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Sound On Sound, Nov 1990

With DAT poised to make the leap from the professional recording studio to the high street, David Mellor looks at the benefits of the format to home recording.

Hands On: Casio DA7 DAT Recorder

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio, Recording, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Sound On Sound, Aug 1992

Casio's DA7 is one of the cheapest DAT recorders on the market, yet it is still a suitable machine for mastering. David Mellor reveals its better features and finds ways round a couple of problems.

Home Recording With Digital - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Digital Audio, Recording | Home & Studio Recording, Dec 1983
Sony PCM F1

Introducing the Sony PCM F1 recorder.

Home Recording With Digital - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Digital Audio, Recording | Home & Studio Recording, Jan 1984
Overdubbing With The Sony PCM F1

How It Works - Hard Disk Recorders - Part 12

Feature Series | Topic: Digital Audio, Recording | Sound On Sound, Apr 1989
An Alternative To Tape

From the analogue to the digital era, magnetic tape has been the prime production medium for recorded music for several decades. David Mellor examines new developments in recording and speculates where they might lead.

The Digital Maze

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio, Digital Audio Workstations, Recording | Music Technology, Sep 1992

MT shows you the best way out

The Hard Edge

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio, Digital Audio Workstations, Recording | Music Technology, Aug 1993
Direct-to-disk recording explained

MT's guide to the theory and practice of the tapeless studio

When Is A Computer? - Part 3

Feature Series | Topic: Computing, Digital Audio, Synthesis & Sound Design | One Two Testing, Jan 1984

Part three.



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