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Cassette Duplication

Feature | Topic: Mastering, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Home & Studio Recording, Aug 1984

Where to go and what to do if you require multiple cassette copies of your recorded masterpieces.

Cut It Out

Feature | Topic: Mastering | One Two Testing, Aug 1984

Porky, king of the cutting room

DIY Music

Feature | Topic: Mastering, Music Business, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Sound On Sound, Nov 1993
All You Need To Know About Making Your Own Records

Some musicians and bands decide to take their future success into their own hands, by putting money into producing their own records. Tony Batchelor and Sue Silutoe take the mystery out of making your own CD, vinyl or cassette release, from initial Session Tape to final product.

Making Records - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Mastering, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Home & Studio Recording, Jan 1985

An intriguing insight into just what is required of the home recordist when setting out to cut your first disc.

Making Records - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Mastering, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Home & Studio Recording, Feb 1985

Part 2 deals with that crucial part of the record making process - the metalwork stage.

Master Cuts

Feature | Topic: Mastering | International Musician, Jul 1975
The Master Room

Cutting masters is a fine art. George Peckham discusses the problems

Mastering at Home

Feature | Topic: Mastering | Sound On Sound, Nov 1993

An essential part of a release you can be proud of is a good master tape — and today's sophisticated equipment means that you may be able to do at home what was once the province of mastering studios. Craig Anderton explains.

Mastering For Duplication

Feature | Topic: Mastering | Recording Musician, Feb 1993

Mike Skeet reveals everything you need to know to get your final master tape ready for mass duplication.

Masters Of The Universe

Feature | Topic: Mastering, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Sound On Sound, Dec 1991

So you wanna record an album? Anyone with a DAT recorder can make what they think is a usable master tape, but it takes a little know-how to do it properly. Mastering engineers Mike Brown and Martin Giles of CTS Studios explain what goes into preparing master tapes for tape, record and CD duplication.

Past Masters

Feature | Topic: Mastering | The Mix, May 1995
Sound Mastering

Ace Records' re-mastering engineers reveal the secrets of acoustic restoration

Strawberry Cutting Room

Feature | Topic: Mastering, Recording Studios, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Sound International, Mar 1979

Nobody ever seems to think much about the art of disc-cutting: yet in reality the cutting-room is the final link in the chain that can really make or break your recording quality-wise. Ralph Denyer, therefore, takes some time out to talk to Strawberry's top cutting engineers, in an effort to demystify this vital area.

We found these other (non-feature) articles that are linked to this topic

Alan Parsons

Interview | Topic: Mastering, Restoration / Archival | Sound On Sound, Nov 1993
20 years of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon

Original engineer on the 'Dark Side Of The Moon' sessions, Alan Parsons, explains the 20th anniversary remastering of this classic album.



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