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Deeply CompressedReview | Sound On Sound, Nov 1986Drawmer LX20 expander/compressorDrawmer noise gates and compressors have become the undisputed industry standard in the field of sound recording, and their latest unit looks set to make it a hat-trick. The dual channel LX20 offers comprehensive compression/expansion facilities at a budget price. Engineer Gareth Stuart assesses its performance. |
Drawmer DL221 Dual Compressor LimiterReview | Home & Studio Recording, Sep 1985An intelligent, multi-purpose compressor. |
Drawmer DS201 Dual GateReview | Home & Studio Recording, Jul 1984 |
Drawmer Multi TrackerReview | Home & Studio Recording, Jun 1984 |
Dynamic DuoReview | Sound On Sound, Nov 1991Drawmer DL241 Auto-Compressor & DS404 Quad Noise GateThe latest from Drawmer in dynamic control, reviewed by Dave Lockwood. |
Gain BrainReview | Recording Musician, Jul 1992Drawmer DL251 Spectral CompressorThis sophisticated compressor has a choice of hard- or soft-knee compression and has a built-in spectral enhancer. |
The Big SqueezeReview | Home & Studio Recording, Nov 1986Drawmer LX20 CompressorA compressor that will make you go soft at the knees. I liked it so much, I bought the product! |
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