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Bel BD-80 Digital DelayReview | Home & Studio Recording, Jul 1984 |
Bel BD240 Digital Delay ProcessorReview | International Musician, Nov 1985Studio TestA peace of magic, or no Bel prize? Curtis Schwartz judges |
Bel BD240 Sampling DelayReview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1986Long sample times and astounding sound quality characterise Bel's range of mid-price delay units. But as Ian Waugh discovers, there are some important omissions, too. |
Bel BD80S Stereo Delay/SamplerReview | Sound On Sound, Apr 1988As sampling keyboards rapidly reach saturation coverage, is a sampling delay unit which offers 6.5 seconds stereo sampling still a useful tool? David Mellor assesses Bel's new unit in comparison with a more expensive alternative. |
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