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Akai AR900Review | Music Technology, May 1989Aimed at the higher end of the market, Akai's latest reverb unit forsakes digital clarity in favour of more realistic sound treatment. Vic Lennard goes au naturel. |
Akai EX90RReview | Music Technology, Mar 1988Reverb UnitA budget reverb unit for budget studios - although big studios might like it too. John Renwick plugs it in and gets a pleasant ringing in his ears. |
Effective AutomatorsReview | Sound On Sound, Mar 1988Akai MB76 Programmable Mix Bay, PEQ6 Programmable EqualiserUsed together, the Akai MB76 Mix Bay and PEQ6 Equaliser can bring a limited but useful degree of automation to the MIDI-based home studio. Ian Gilby explains how. |
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