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Dr T's Tiger Cub

Review | Music Technology, Nov 1990
Software for the Atari ST

Notorious for the numerical approach of their programs, Dr T's have incorporated GEM friendliness in their latest Atari ST sequencer and scorewriter. Ian Waugh reckons it's purrfect for those on a tight budget.

Dr T's Tiger Cub

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1991
Commodore Amiga Software

Following its success as an Atari ST sequencing/notation program, Tiger Cub finds itself available to Commodore Amiga owners. Ian Waugh gets a new pet.

Dr.T's Tiger Cub

Review | Sound On Sound, Jun 1990

Combining some of the best features of Dr.T's KCS sequencer and Tiger editor, along with a handy auto-scoring utility, this 12-track 'entry level' program packs an awful lot of power for its low price. Game warden David Hughes tracks it down.



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