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An Old ProReview | Sound On Sound, Feb 1991Steinberg Pro24 AmigaSteinberg's Pro24 amiga sequencer is the latest arrival in the rather sparse field of Amiga music software. Paul Overaa looks at a new incarnation of an old favourite. | |||
School's OutReview | Micro Music, Aug/Sep 1989Phil Brammer takes the Educational version of Steinberg's Pro-24 to the top of the class | |||
Software TrackingReview | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1986Steinberg Pro24 SoftwareSimon Trask looks at one of the first multitrack MIDI recording packages to be made available for the Atari ST series of computers. How does it compare to dedicated sequencers? | |||
Steinberg Pro 24Review | International Musician, Oct 1986SoftwareCheckSometimes Musical Micro just ain't big enough to hold down a piece of really macho software... Tony Mills grabs a suddenly floppy disk, and enters the cage. | |||
Steinberg Pro24 IIIReview | Music Technology, Jul 1988Software for the Atari STThe latest version of the industry-standard Atari ST sequencing package. Simon Trask finds out if software is fulfilling its promise to keep abreast of the times. | |||
Steinberg Pro24 Version IIIReview | Sound On Sound, Aug 1988Steinberg's Pro24 sequencer for the Atari ST has been around for over two years now, and has firmly established itself as the 'industry standard' ST sequencer against which all others are judged. Just when it looked like being overshadowed by some of its competitors, Steinberg released Version 3.0 of the program complete with some significant new features and enhancements. Pro24 owner David Hughes deliberates over the upgrade. | |||
Thinking Of Going 24-Track?Review | Sound On Sound, Jul 1986Software for the Atari STIf your studio's musical output is largely synthetic in nature and you are considering an increase in tracks, then Steinberg Research's Pro-24 recording software for the Atari 520ST micro could prove a better option than a conventional tape recorder. Tony Hastings tells why. | |||
We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear | |||
Macintosh or Atari?Feature | Topic: Computing | Sound On Sound, Jan 1988Over the last few years musicians have consistently been more excited over the latest MIDI hardware developments than they have over MIDI software. Whilst other micros have come and gone, the Atari ST and Macintosh micros have quietly become the established computers for making music with MIDI. Ed Jones reveals why with a look at Steinberg's Pro-24 (V2.1) and Mark Of The Unicorn's Performer (V2.2) programs. | |||
Steinberg Software PageFeature | Topic: Computing, Sequencing | Sound On Sound, May 1988The start of an 'experimental' column devoted entirely to Steinberg software. Written and compiled exclusively for SOS by Steinberg's experts, it will contain hot news of current and forthcoming software revisions, 'in-house' tips and tricks on its use, and will discuss computer-based MIDI sequencing systems in general. Read on and respond! | |||
Steinberg Software PageFeature | Topic: Computing, Sequencing | Sound On Sound, Jun 1988The second of an ‘experimental’ column devoted entirely to Steinberg software. Written and compiled exclusively for SOS by Steinberg's experts, it contains hot news of current and forthcoming software revisions plus ‘in-house’ tips and tricks on its use. Read on and respond! |
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