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History By Numbers

Retrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Feb 1987
A Re-Review Of The Roland MC4 Microcomposer

...But let us not forget what went before. Steve Howell again, on the machine that introduced the world to recording music by punching in a set of numbers. It's still usable today.

Right on Q

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Aug/Sep 1984

The Roland MSQ100 assessed

Roland HP300/400, PB300, PR800

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1984

Roland JSQ-60

Review | One Two Testing, Mar 1984
Poly Sequencer

Roland JSQ-60 DCB Digital Keyboard Recorder

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1984

E&MM contributor of old, Vince S. Hill, on Roland's DCB-standard digital keyboard recorder.

Roland MC50 Micro Composer

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1991

Having pioneered the Micro Composer in the '70s, Roland reaffirm the position of the hardware sequencer in 1990 with the MC50. Simon Trask is fatally attracted.

Roland MC500

Review | One Two Testing, Oct 1986
MIDI Sequencer

Micro Composer under the microscope

Roland MC500

Review | Making Music, Dec 1986

Roland MC500 MicroComposer

Review | Sound On Sound, Aug 1986

This long-awaited successor to Roland's evergreen MSQ700 sequencer offers increased song and note capacity, 'microscopic' editing of every single MIDI command and stores both music and rhythm tracks to 3.5 inch disks. Mark Jenkins fills in the details.

Roland MC500 Microcomposer

Review | International Musician, Aug 1986

The return of the Microcomposer, featuring Tony Mills

Roland MC500 MkII

Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1988
With SUPER MRC Software

When Roland's forward-thinking design team made the original MC500 an ‘open’ system, they did users a favour. Built-in obsolescence became less of a fear, provided Roland stuck to their promise of future updates and upgrades. The release of the Super MRC software shows they have. It's available on its own for existing MC500 owners, or packaged with expanded hardware in the guise of the MC500 MkII. Paul Ireson keeps you updated.

Roland MC500 Sequencer

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1986

A preview of Roland's first software-based digital recorder. As Paul Wiffen reports, it takes over where the MSQ range left off.

Roland MSQ 700 Sequencer

Review | One Two Testing, Jul 1984

taking notes

Roland MSQ100

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1985
MIDI Digital Keyboard Recorder

There are still more computer-shy musicians around than many would have you believe, so for them, this dedicated MIDI sequencer could be just the ticket. Trish McGrath investigates.

Roland Super-MRC Sequencing Software

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1989

Competing with the flexibility of computer-based recording systems is a problem for a dedicated sequencer, but Roland's latest MC500 software update makes it as competitive as ever. J Eshleman begs for MRC.

Roland TR909 and MSQ-700

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1984
Rhythm Composer and Digital Keyboard Recorder

A matching analogue/digital drum-machine and digital keyboard recorder come under the gaze of Dan Goldstein and Geoff Twigg.

We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear

MC-500 MIDI Real Time Recorder

Feature | Topic: Advertisement Feature | International Musician, Sep 1986

Songwriter/musician Nick Graham gets to grips with the MC500

Product News

News | Topic: Advertisement Feature | International Musician, Jun 1986

A new Super-synth, Samples, and more

Roland MC500 MicroComposer

User Report | Music Technology, Feb 1987

It's been available for well under a year, but already, Roland's latest MicroComposer is establishing itself as something of an industry standard. Steve Howell gives a comprehensive user's eye view...

The Right Connections

Feature | Electronic Soundmaker, Oct 1984

The first of our Systems features focusses on making music with the DX7, Jupiter 6, Drumtraks and MSQ700.



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