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All Hail Valhala

Review | Sound On Sound, Mar 1992
Studio Series Roland D110 Voice Cards

Super sleuth Simon Sanders finds himself hot on the trail of cool sounds for the Roland D110. Prime suspect: Valhala.

Big Mother

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Dec 1984
Roland Mother System

Roland's innovative MIDI set-up; Mother Keyboard, Planet-P piano voice module, Planet-S synth module, and the impressive Super Jupiter... an in-depth test.

Breaking With The Rack Pack

Review | Sound On Sound, Mar 1993
Roland JV880 Synth Module

Patchwork polyphony

Review | The Mix, Dec 1994
Roland JV1080

High polyphony synth module

Roland CM Modules

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1990
ROLAND CM32L, CM32P, CM64 & LAPC1 Sound Modules

Roland's CM32L, CM32P, CM64 and LAPC1 modules are a selection of their more familiar expanders re-configured and re-packaged with the computer synthesist in mind. Modulating with Ian Waugh.

Roland D110

Review | Music Technology, Sep 1988
LA Synthesiser

Roland's MT32 LA synth expander proved so popular with pro musicians, the company had trouble explaining that it was aimed at the domestic market. Now Thomas Clement test-drives the professionals' LA expander.

Roland D110 LA Expander

Review | Sound On Sound, Jun 1988
The Expanded Expander

Here it is - the professional version MT32 complete with separate voice outputs, built-in reverb and hardly any noise. Martin Russ looks at Roland’s new studio-oriented rackmount LA synthesizer.

Roland JD-990

Review | Music Technology, Jun 1993
Synthesiser Module

It’s more than just a rackmountable version of the JD-800, but just exactly how much more you’ll have to ask Ian Waugh to find out. A flagship is the ship aboard which the commander of the fleet is quartered, by the way - so look out for portraits of the Roland Board Of Directors on the back panel

Roland JV880

Review | Music Technology, Dec 1992
Multitimbral Synthesiser Module

Take a JV80, add 8, subtract 61...

Roland MK System

Review | One Two Testing, Oct 1984

mother keyboard and baby modules

Roland MKB-1000 MIDI Keyboard Controller

Review | In Tune, Dec 1984
Plus MIDI MKS-30 and MKS-10

Roland Mother Keyboard System

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1984

A new prestige keyboard line-up that fuses traditional modular synthesis concepts with the latest interface technology. The complete system surveyed by Dan Goldstein.

Roland MT-32

Review | Sound On Sound, Sep 1987
Multi-Timbral Expander

Hot foot from the BMF, hard-working Martin Russ brings us his review of this innocent-looking multitimbral LA expander which packs many of the features of Roland's D-50 synthesizer, including onboard digital reverb, but with the added bonus of 28 sampled drum sounds!

Roland MT32

Review | Making Music, Oct 1987

the multi timbral, multi talented, multi something else synth module that gives you an eight track in your hotel room, says Alastair Gavin (a hotelier).

Roland MT32

Review | Music Technology, Oct 1987
Multitimbral Synth Expander

The latest box out of the Roland stable to incorporate the D50's L/A synthesis. Simon Trask examines how a multitimbral expander designed with the home organ market in mind will find its way into pro studios.

Roland MT32 Update & Editors

Review | Sound On Sound, Jul 1988

If you own an MT32 then you really should be using a computer-based voice editing program to make the most of its facilities. Martin Russ compares three possible contenders for your money from Tigress Designs, Dr T and Steinberg.

Roland Planet-S

Review | Sound On Sound, Jun 1986

Synthesist Ian Boddy leaves off from recording his latest independent album to inform us of the merits of MIDI expander modules such as the Planet-S.

Roland U110 PCM Sound Module

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1989

What is 1¾" high, has 31 voices, plays the piano, vibraphone and sax, and has its own library? Simon Trask checks out Roland's latest PCM sample module.

Roland U110 Sample Player

Review | Sound On Sound, Jan 1989

Do you like sampled instrument sounds, but hate all of that tedious disk loading, looping and general messing about? Then you'll love Roland's new U110 sample player. Paul Ireson takes it for a spin.

Roland U110 Sound Module

Review | Phaze 1, Feb 1989

Simply The Best?

Review | Sound On Sound, Jun 1993
Roland JD990 Synthesizer

Is Roland's Super JD module simply the best synthesizer they've ever made? Read the review to find out...

The Computer Connection

Review | Sound On Sound, Mar 1990
Roland’s Computer Music range

Martin Russ looks at the evolution of Roland's approach to computers in music, culminating in their latest CM products.

The Jupiter Legacy

Retrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Feb 1990

Not only did Roland's Super Jupiter make a worthy replacement for the Jupiter 8, it is still a sought-after instrument today, as Steve Howell is happy to report.

U got the Look

Review | Micro Music, Jun/Jul 1989

Roland's U-110 is proving to be one of the most popular expanders this year. Darrin Williamson finds out why

We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear

A Programmer's Guide to the Roland D110 - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design | Sound On Sound, Jul 1989

PART 1: Ace programmer Greg Truckell begins a power user’s guide to this popular LA synth expander.



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