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A Modern Classic

Review | Sound On Sound, Jan 1992
Korg Wavestation EX

Korg's Wavestation synthesizer has won a small but devout following since its introduction 18 months ago. Paul Ireson wonders whether new sounds and effects on the updated Wavestation EX will broaden its appeal.

Alternative Analogue

Retrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Jun 1989
Korg MS20

This month's trip down memory lane takes us to Korg's MS20. Greg Truckell reacquaints himself with an analogue synth that may be better suited to use in 1989 than 1979.

Brian Chatton on the Poly 800

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1984

Hot-foot from a mammoth UK tour as part of John Miles' backing-band, this well-respected keyboardist gives his own impressions of life on the road with Korg's latest MIDI-equipped polysynth.

Gold Cards

Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1991
Valhala International Gold M1 Sound Cards

David Mellor goes in search of inspiration, and finds it in three of Valhala's International Gold voice cards for the Korg M1.

Here In Black & White

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1985
Korg DW8000 Polysynth

Korg's flagship poly gets a touch-sensitive keyboard, a built-in DDL, and a lot more besides. Simon Trask concludes it’s what the DW6000 should have been all along.

King Korg and the Wave Monster!

Review | Sound On Sound, Aug 1990
Korg Wavestation

Korg's new Wavestation is a direct descendant of Sequential's long-gone vs synthesizer, but as Paul Ireson discovers, it has plenty of new tricks up its sleeve to complement the old ones.

Korg 01/W FD Workstation

Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1991

For three years the korg M1 has been the leading keyboard workstation, and the product that more than any other has made the company's name as a leading force in hi-tech music. But how do you follow an act like that? David Mellor looks at the M1's successor, the 01/W FD.

Korg 01/W FD Workstation

Review | Music Technology, Nov 1991
Music Workstation

The problem with building the most popular keyboard in years is having to follow it. Simon Trask test drives the successor to the Korg M1 and likes what he finds.

Korg 01/W Pro & 03R/W Synths

Review | Music Technology, Jun 1992
Synthesiser and Module

Korg's latest additions to their popular 0-series synth range include the professional flagship 01/W Pro-X keyboard and the more affordable 03/R rackmount. Simon Trask assesses their position in Korg's line and today's keyboard market.

Korg 707

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1988

Korg's DS8 presented FM synthesis in a more friendly light than originators Yamaha. Now their latest synth makes the price more friendly too. Simon Trask looks at a sine of the times.

Korg 707 Performing Synthesizer

Review | Sound On Sound, Mar 1988

As synthesizer prices continue to plummet and the number of features increases, Korg introduce a colourful range of low-cost 8-voice, multitimbral, aftertouch and velocity sensitive performance synths. Mark Jenkins straps one on...

Korg DS8

Review | Music Technology, Jul 1987
Digital FM Synthesiser

After last month's preview, Simon Trask gets to grips with FM's friendlier face. Can simpler programming compensate for the deficiencies of four-operator sound?

Korg DS8 Digital Synthesizer

Review | Sound On Sound, Mar 1987

Korg's very latest keyboard is non other than a touch-sensitive, sub-£1000, 8-voice FM synthesizer! Mark Jenkins managed to catch a sneak preview.

Korg DS8 Synthesiser

Review | Music Technology, Jun 1987

At last, a keyboard that presents FM programming in a more accessible way, and at an accessible price. Simon Trask previews the great new hope of digital synthesis.

Korg DW-6000

Review | One Two Testing, Apr 1985

digital waveform polyphonic

Korg DW6000

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1985
Programmable Digital Waveform Polysynth

An intriguing new synth design that tries to combine digital waveform generation with analogue control. Does it achieve its objectives? Dan Goldstein thinks it does - just.

Korg DW6000

Review | International Musician, Apr 1985

Digital programming of digital waveforms at your fingertips

Korg DW8000

Review | International Musician, Feb 1986

Tony Mills toys with the latest Korgi and gets enthusiastic

Korg DW8000 Synth

Review | One Two Testing, Sep 1985

digital poly

Korg M1

Review | Music Technology, Jul 1988
Music Workstation

This synth/sequencer/drum machine with digital effects is the first instrument in Korg's new workstation series. Simon "Mansell" Trask takes it for a test drive.

Korg Mono/Poly

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1982

Korg MonoPoly

Review | One Two Testing, Nov 1982
Four oscillator mono/poly synth combination

Korg MS10

Review | One Two Testing, Dec 1983

Korg MS10

Review | One Two Testing, Nov 1982
Patchable monophonic single oscillator synth

Korg Poly 61

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1983



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