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The Dynamic Duo

Review | Sound On Sound, Feb 1986

Yamaha smash new price barriers with their latest FM synths - the DX100 and DX27. Mark Jenkins assesses their performance as stand-alone keyboards and as compact MIDI expanders.

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Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Mar 1989

If you are a devotee of Yamaha's DX27, Roland's D50 or Casio's CZ1, there are patches for your synth in this month's Patchwork pages - if another synth is your passion why not make it a feature next month?


Feature | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Feb 1988

The analogue synth is alive and well and living in Patchwork. The Minimoog, ARP Odyssey and Korg Mono/Poly make a welcome return to our monthly selection of readers' patches.


Feature | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Oct 1988

Optical Media International Universe of Sounds Vol 3 for Emax, DPX1 and Emulator II joins our regular selection of readers' own synthesiser patches in MT's regular Patchwork column.


Feature | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1986

Casio CZ101, Korg Poly 800, Roland SH101 and Yamaha DX100 synths feature in this month's edition of the readers' synth sound page. Keep 'em coming...



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