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Bit One

Review | In Tune, Dec 1984
6-Voice Programmable Touch-Sensitive Synthesiser

Bit One

Review | International Musician, Jan 1985

Paul Fishman goes to town on Crumar's new baby

Chase Bit One

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1984
Programmable Polysynth

Glance at the spec and you'd never know this new Italian-built and MIDI-equipped polysynth only cost £699. Paul White has the details.

Crumar Bit One

Review | One Two Testing, Dec 1984

a poly to compare and contrast

Love Bytes

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Dec 1984
Bit One

The stunning Bit One Poly - Keyboard split and layer, with separate memory access, and the kind of facilities you would expect to find on a machine costing three or four times as much... our reviewer is seduced...

We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Dec 1986

The readers' synth sound page goes from strength to strength, with the Yamaha DX7, Korg Mono/Poly, Sequential Pro-One and Casio CZ101 among the featured instruments. Plus a review of a DX7 ROM that contains 512 sounds.


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1986

Readers' patches for DX7, CZ101 and Bit One synths, and the Yamaha CX5M micro. Keep 'em coming...


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Feb 1987

MT readers get their chance to see their own synth sounds in print. Instruments featured this month include the Juno 106, Poly 800 and DX21...


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1986

Readers' synth patches for the Bit One, Yamaha DX7 and Casio CZ series, plus a review of some new DX ROM packs from Japan.


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Nov 1986

Trish McGrath gets the lowdown on a whole stack of readers' own synth sounds, while Paul Wiffen gives an appraisal of a new library of samples for the Ensoniq Mirage.



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