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mu:zines is the result of thousands of hours of effort, and will require many thousands more going forward to reach our goals of getting all this content online.

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Donations for February 2025
Issues donated this month: 13

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Funds donated this month: £14.00

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Mono Mania

Retrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Oct 1990

The most popular post-Minimoog monosynth is still the best alternative for everything from new age to northern techno. Greg Truckell reintroduces an old friend.

Pro One

Review | One Two Testing, Nov 1982
Twin oscillator mono synth with arpeggiator and sequencer

Sequential Circuits Pro-One

Review | One Two Testing, Dec 1983

Sequential Circuits Pro-One

Review Audio | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1982

UC-1 Sequencer

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1983
Add-on unit for SCI Pro-One

Add-on for Sequential Circuits' Pro-One

We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear

How They Do Only You

Feature | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design, Synthesizer Patches | One Two Testing, Nov 1982

READOUT: Yazoo/single/control panel plans/sound guide... GOSUB

Lead On

Feature | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Electronic Soundmaker, Mar 1984

Follow-up to issue 1


Feature | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1984

Readers send in details of their own synth sounds and how to play them.


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Dec 1986

The readers' synth sound page goes from strength to strength, with the Yamaha DX7, Korg Mono/Poly, Sequential Pro-One and Casio CZ101 among the featured instruments. Plus a review of a DX7 ROM that contains 512 sounds.


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1986

The readers' synth sound page, with patches for SCI Pro One, Yamaha DX7 and Casio CZ 101 instruments, plus reviews of anew DX RAM pack and another collection of sounds for sampling.

Pro-1 Micro Sequencing

Feature | Topic: Computing, Sequencing | Electronic Soundmaker, Apr 1984

...and not a component in sight



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