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Born In The USA

Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1991
Mackie CR1604 Mixer

The mixer market is dominated by British manufacturers, with a range of Japanese designs also popular in MIDI setups. However, a new American compact mixer offers impeccable audio quality, and outstanding features and value that look hard to beat. Dave Lockwood welcomes the newcomer.

Mackie Designs CR1604 Mixer

Review | Music Technology, Jun 1992

One of the nerve centres of any studio is its mixing desk - but how do you choose a mixer which is both affordable and expandable? Tim Goodyer discovers a desk which is built to last and to grow - and cost very little.

Mixed Doubles

Review | Recording Musician, Dec 1992
Mackie 1604, DOD 1642 Mixers

Mackie's 1604 mixer head to head with DOD's compact 1642. The result may surprise you.



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