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Roland Digital Piano Systems

Review | In Tune, Jun 1986
RD1000 (Keyboard Version) & MKS20 (Racked Module Version)

Roland's piano power — RD1000 & MKS20 on test

Roland Dual Voice Piano

Review | One Two Testing, Nov 1982
Twin channel three voice electronic piano with six band graphic

Roland EP50 Electronic Piano

Review | In Tune, Jul/Aug 1985

Roland HP300/400, PB300, PR800

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1984

Roland RD1000 Piano

Review | International Musician, Aug 1986

Roland introduce the SAS and Jim Betteridge finds it makes a piano easier to yomp with.

Roland RD300 Piano

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1987
SAS Electronic Piano

Structured Adaptive Synthesis (SAS to you) comes to a piano that costs less than £2000. Simon Trask combs the area for compromises.

Structured Sound

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1986
Roland RD1000 Piano

How does Roland's new SAS resynthesis system go about imitating a grand piano? Dan Goldstein digs deep inside the RD1000 and its modular counterpart, the MKS20, and submits a glowing report.

Surrogate Mother

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Aug 1985
Roland EP-50 electronic piano

Roland's new electronic piano; a surrogate mother

We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear

EP-50 - 76-Key MIDI Piano

Feature | Topic: Advertisement Feature | International Musician, Apr 1985

Frankfurt Products

News | Topic: Advertisement Feature | International Musician, Mar 1986

New lines launched at Frankfurt

Pianos You'll Feel At Home With

Feature | Topic: Advertisement Feature | Electronic Soundmaker, Aug 1985

The Shape of Pianos to Come

Feature | Topic: Advertisement Feature | International Musician, Jun 1986

Ivory-free piano and the digital grand...



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