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AES SX303 Sampler Kit

Review | International Musician, May 1985
Studio Test

A sampling kit for under £30. Curtis Schwartz discovers the noise of art

AES SX303 Sampler Kit

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Jun 1985

A modification that turns your digital delay into a sampler.

Akai MX1000 & PM76

Review | Music Technology, Apr 1992
MIDI Master Keyboard/Piano Sound Board

Take a well-facilitated MIDI master keyboard and add a piano module and you have the basis of Akai's MX1000 - a "dumb" controller with a voice. Simon Trask plays and listens.

Bits & Pieces

Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1988
How To Upgrade Your Akai S900

What do you do when your 12-bit Akai S900 sampler starts to seem a little underspecified in comparison with the latest models? Upgrade it with a '16-bit injection' from Marion Systems. David Mellor reports.

Delta SX301

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1985
Add-on for Digital Delay Lines

Paul White and an ingenious 'black box' that gives older-generation digital delay lines a sampling capability.

DX-MAX Expansion Board

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1987

If you're afraid the MkII DX7s are going to turn your prized machine into an antique curiosity, the DX-MAX could put your mind at rest. Chris Many checks out a mod for old DXs that offers many of the features of Yamaha's new babies.

Expand your DX

Review | Sound On Sound, Jan 1987

Yamaha's DX7 may well be a classic keyboard but its MIDI implementation and small onboard memory are starting to look decidedly limited compared to newer generation keyboards. What's needed is an upgrade, and the add-on E! board from America's Grey Matter Response is certainly that! Martin Russ enthuses over its features.

Expanding MIDI

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1984
Two New Developments From Sycologic

We take a brief look at two new bits of hardware - an analogue-to-MIDI interface and an expansion board for the DX7 - from Syco Systems' research wing, Sycologic.

Frontal Lobe & PCM Channel

Review | Music Technology, Apr 1991
Korg M1 Enhancement

Much talked about in the US but still unavailable in the UK, Cannon's Frontal Lobe promises a new lease of life for your Korg M1. Gordon Reid asks "does it deliver?"

Grey Matter Response E!

Review | Music Technology, Sep 1987
for the DX7, Version 2.0

The debate over whether to upgrade to a DX7II takes on a new dimension with the possibilities that this expansion board brings to the original. Jim Burgess is impressed.

Grey Matter Response E! Board

Review | Music Technology, May 1988
For the DX7II

Grey Matter Response's E! expansion for the DX7 virtually gave it the power of the DX7II; E! for the DX7II represents another quantum leap in DX capability. Chris Many checks it out.

Invision Plus One

Review | Sound On Sound, Apr 1993
Sound Upgrade Board For The Korg M1

Invision Protologic

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1991
Proteus Expansion

With the success of E-mu's Proteus sample reader assured, Invision are offering a hardware upgrade that's likely to see the Proteus' use become even more widespread. Vic Lennard explores the logic.

Microlink ML-1 Interface

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1984
For Casio CT-1000P

MicroLink System ML10

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1984
for Casio MT200 and Sinclair Spectrum

Micro Musical's latest hardware/software package links the Casio MT200 to the Sinclair Spectrum home micro. Somehow, Paul White managed to find time to review it.

Musictronics MEX D50/D550 Expansion

Review | Music Technology, Feb 1990

When your favourite keyboard starts to look a little out of date, do you remain faithful to it or sell it? If it's a D50 you could give it multitimbrality, more waveforms and extra memories. Gordon Reid installs the MEX.

Roland SR-GR1-01 GR1 Guitar Synth Expansion Kit

Review | Sound On Sound, Sep 1993

Roland Vintage Sounds board

Review | Music Technology, May 1994
for the JV series

Ancient and modern: classic analogue synths for your JV-series synth.

Sampling Expandability

Review | Music Technology, Sep 1987
Akai S900 V2.0 & ASK90 and Steinberg Soundworks

Already a well-established sampler, the Akai S900 is on the receiving end of a series of software and firmware updates from Akai and Steinberg. Chris Jenkins boots them up.

The Shape Shifter

Review | Sound On Sound, Jan 1991
Digidesign MacProteus And InVision ProtoLogic

Kendall Wrightson looks at two new Proteus-related products — the ProtoLogic Sound Memory Expansion Unit from InVision, and Digidesign's MacProteus NuBus card for the Apple Macintosh II.

UC-1 Sequencer

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1983
Add-on unit for SCI Pro-One

Add-on for Sequential Circuits' Pro-One



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