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Beat BoxReview | Sound On Sound, Apr 1986Ian Gilby casts his eyes and ears over Roland's new budget-priced rhythm composer, the TR505. | |||
Drumatix Goes DigitalReview | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1986Roland TR505Roland find another home for some 707/727 drum voices, and come up with a digital successor to the Drumatix. Trevor Gilchrist waxes lyrical on the best budget drum machine yet. | |||
Roland TR 505 Rhythm ComposerReview | International Musician, May 1986RhythmCheckThe widest variety of sampled voices for the least money vet — Tony Reed tries out Roland's latest MIDI drum box | |||
Roland TR505Review | Home & Studio Recording, Aug 1986Drum MachineTragedy strikes... the good Dr Bateson has had to find a real job. However he still finds time to check out the Roland TR505 in its role as a studio drum machine. | |||
We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear | |||
The 1986 Synthesizer Tape ContestCompetition | Topic: Advertisement Feature | International Musician, Sep 1986Your chance to win an Alpha Juno or TR505 |
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