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Digidesign SoftSynth

Review | Music Technology, Nov 1987
Software for the Atari ST

Simultaneously making the transition from Mac to Atari ST and crossing the Atlantic, this software package gives sampling a new slant. Chris Jenkins boots it up.

Digidesign SoftSynth Version 2.0

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1987

The program that can turn your sampler into a synthesiser has added an FM synthesis string to its bow, yet doesn't promise to be a DX replacement. Mac addict Chris Meyer takes a look.

Good Vibrations

Review | Sound On Sound, Jul 1989
Digidesign Softsynth & Turbosynth

What can you do with a sampler when you're bored of sampling? Paul Ireson finds an answer to this question in the form of creative software from Digidesign that can turn your sampler into a powerful synthesizer.

Scratch Samples

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1986
Digidesign SoftSynth

E&MM US Editor Rick Davies takes a trip to Palo Alto, California, to see an Apple Mac software package that uses additive synthesis to turn samplers into synthesisers.

We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear

Dumping Grounds - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: MIDI, Sampling | Music Technology, Apr 1987

The start of another series, in which Chris Meyer reveals just how useful the new MIDI Sample Dump Standard can be in everyday applications.



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