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mu:zines is the result of thousands of hours of effort, and will require many thousands more going forward to reach our goals of getting all this content online.

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Donations for February 2025
Issues donated this month: 13

New issues that have been donated or scanned for us this month.

Funds donated this month: £14.00

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Digidesign Turbosynth

Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1988
The Return of the Modular Synthesizer

Digidesign continue to add to their innovative range of synthesis programs which use the flexibility of computers for sound creation and the hardware of MIDI samplers to replay the sounds. Paul Wiffen finds he loves the former but hates the latter.

Digidesign Turbosynth

Review | Music Technology, Sep 1988
Synthesis Software

CAD meets synthesis inside the Apple Mac. Robert Rich fires up a program that allows you to design your sounds on computer before transferring them to your sampler.

Good Vibrations

Review | Sound On Sound, Jul 1989
Digidesign Softsynth & Turbosynth

What can you do with a sampler when you're bored of sampling? Paul Ireson finds an answer to this question in the form of creative software from Digidesign that can turn your sampler into a powerful synthesizer.

Turbo Charged

Review | Micro Music, Oct/Nov 1989

John Renwick takes an internal sound chip synth program for the Atari ST for a test drive

TurboSynth Software

Review | Phaze 1, Nov 1988



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