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The Power To Be PortableReview | Sound On Sound, May 1991Yamaha QY10Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's a battery powered, pocket sized, 8-track sequencer/32-note 8-part synth'n'drums module. Craig Anderton checks out Yamaha's mighty midget. |
Yamaha QR10Review | Music Technology, Dec 1993music accompaniment playerAuto-accompaniments, yes - but it's a recordable sequencer too. And you can fiddle with it on the train... |
Yamaha QY10Review | Music Technology, May 1991Music SequencerThe phrase "size isn't everything" could have been written for this pocket-sized sequencer and synth expander. Simon Trask predicts big things. |
Yamaha QY20 Portable WorkstationReview | Music Technology, Mar 1993Something to play with in your pocket |
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