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BCK LSI LiteShow

Review | Music Technology, Dec 1993
integrated MIDI-to-light controller

Eight channels of lighting, 300w per channel - all controlled through MIDI Channel 16. Is this he light at the end of the tunnel?

Groove MC-Lite

Review | Music Technology, Aug 1991
MIDI-controlled Stage Lights

Extending MIDI control to cover stage lighting is a logical extension of a system which can already control most aspects of music. Vic Leonard strikes a lite.

Light Fantastic

Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1990
XRI Systems XRL8 MIDILite

Best known for their SMPTE synchronisers and MIDI patch bays, XRI Systems have entered the growing field of MIDI controlled lighting with the compact XRL8 MIDILite. Kendall Wrightson seeks illumination.


Review | Music Technology, Nov 1993

Key velocity equals brightness - but were talking light, not sound, with this 8-channels-per-note interface from NJD.

Pulsar Universal Interface

Review | Music Technology, Oct 1993

Let your MIDI rig control your lighting



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