Results: 1 - 9 of 9 displayed.
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Premier APK 5809Review | International Musician, Apr 1985DrumcheckAn elongated addition to the Royale range at a reasonable price. Bob Henrit puts it through its paces |
Premier Black ShadowReview | International Musician, Mar 1986DrumCheckBob Henrit takes a second look at one of Premiers prettiest and most impressive kits. |
Premier Royale APK KitReview | In Tune, Jan 1985 |
Premier Royale.Review | One Two Testing, Jan 1983 |
Premier Snare DrumsReview | Making Music, Jul 1987 |
Premier SoundwaveReview | Sound International, Aug 1978Sorry! I mean drums (what else?) Peter Randall puts Premier in perspective with a review of their new Soundwave kit. |
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