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Life in the MachineReview | Electronic Soundmaker, Dec 1984Yamaha PS6100The Yamaha PS6100 - portable F.M. power to the People. |
Yamaha PC-1000Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1983In conjunction with the Personal Keyboard Special, we examine one of the most advanced, and popular, of the new breed |
Yamaha Personal KeyboardsReview | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1984PS200, PS300, PS400The complete PS personal keyboard range put into a musician's perspective by Trish McGrath; surprisingly, the cheapest model turns out to be the best buy. |
Yamaha Portasound MK100Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1984Programmable Personal KeyboardA personal keyboard that lets the musician think for himself, from the people who make more of them than anybody else. But is it really more than just a toy? Vince S. Hill thinks he knows the answer. |
Yamaha Portasound MP-1Review | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1983 |
Yamaha Portasound PC-100Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1982 |
Yamaha PS-55 KeyboardReview | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1984The advance of the personal keyboard continues with this exciting new model. |
Yamaha PS20 Portable KeyboardReview Audio | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1981 |
Yamaha PS6100Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1984Personal KeyboardThe world's most advanced portable domestic keyboard is just about to hit the UK. Dan Goldstein finds out what FM voices, PCM drums and MIDI add up to. |
Yamaha VSS-100 Sampling SynthReview | International Musician, Mar 1986SynthCheckA sampling synth for less than £180? Jim Betteridge stands back in amazement. |
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