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A Touch Of Magic

Review | Sound On Sound, May 1993
Emagic Notator Logic 1.2

Affordable digital recording on the PC

Review | Sound On Sound, Jun 1993
Microsoft MSS PC Sound Card & Voyetra AudioView Digital Audio Editor

Amusement Arcade

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1986
Roland MPS & MUSE

Roland's first serious venture into software takes the form of composing packages for Commodore, Apple and IBM computers. Annabel Scott checks them out.

Asymetrix MediaBlitz! 2.0

Review | Music Technology, Sep 1993
for the PC

Multimedia: coming to a PC near you.

Band Aid

Review | Recording Musician, Feb 1993
Band-In-A-Box Auto-Accompaniment Software

You've never had it so easy — Band-in-a-Box adds intelligence to auto-accompaniment, as Mike Simmons finds out in his look at the latest version of this popular software package.

Band In A Box V5

Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1992
Accompaniment Software

This popular auto-accompaniment program is gaining in features and sophistication with every upgrade. Martin Russ plays with himself...

Band-In-A-Box V4.1

Review | Sound On Sound, Jul 1991
Auto-Accompaniment — With Style

Martin Russ gets inside version 4.1 of Band-In-A-Box — now with user styles!

Basic instinct

Review | The Mix, Mar 1995
Steinberg Cubasis

Budget Cubase for PC

Big Noise MIDI MaxPak

Review | Music Technology, Feb 1994
sequencing librarian, MIDI mixing and live control software for the PC

One package, five software programs - for the PC.

Boxing Clever

Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1990
Band-In-A-Box Software

Is it really possible to get more music out of a program than you put in? David Hughes looks at software that takes auto-accompaniment and makes it work for the musician.

Byte the wax

Review | The Mix, Oct 1994
D-to-D software triple-test

Software for Mac, PC and Falcon

C-Lab Notator Logic

Review | Music Technology, Apr 1993
Software for the Apple Macintosh

A logical development for Notator users? Maybe, but as Ian Waugh discovers, someone still has to cross the T's and dot the I's on this latest software sequencer from C-Lab.


Review | Sound On Sound, May 1992
The Graphic Sequencer

PC music software still has to come some way to catch up with that for the Atari and Mac, but good, graphic, sequencer programs like Cadenza are a big step in the right direction. Peter Cudmore takes a closer look.

Cadenza For Windows

Review | Music Technology, Aug 1992
IBM PC Software

Play solo on the PC.

Cakewalk For Windows

Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1992
Windows Sequencer

Cakewalk Professional

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1993
For Windows

Walking into Windows

Chip off the old block

Review | The Mix, Apr 1995
Evolution Procyon Pro

Budget sequencing for PC

Coda Music Finale

Review | Music Technology, Dec 1988
Software for the Apple Macintosh

Possibly the most sophisticated and powerful scorewriting program to date comes from American company Coda. Bob O'Donnell keeps the score.

Copyist III

Review | Micro Music, Apr/May 1989

Scorewriting packages are becoming more and more popular Clive Grace looks at Dr T's top of the range offering

Déjà view?

Review | The Mix, Sep 1994
Voyetra Audio View

PC sample editor

Digidesign Session 8

Review | Music Technology, Nov 1993
Direct-to-disk PC recording system

It's getting closer... the home 8-track, gone digital.

Digidesign Session 8 Digital Studio

Review | Sound On Sound, Jul 1993
The Personal Studio Of The Future?

Your PC becomes your best friend in the studio with this eagerly awaited digital system.

Digital Music MIDIScan

Review | Music Technology, Feb 1994
OCR music software for the PC

Imagine what it would be like to scan a piece of sheet music and have it turned into a MIDI file. Imagine the MIDIScan.

Dr T Copyist

Review | Music Technology, Jun 1987
Software for IBM PC and Atari ST

Music transcription comes to Atari ST and IBM PC computers with this new program. Chris Many finds out if it does a better job than the human hand.

Dr. T's QuickScore Deluxe

Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1992
Notation Software



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